Bilge Sayim
Yildirim, F. Z., Coates, D. R., & Sayim, B. (2021). Hidden by bias: How standard psychophysical procedures conceal unbiased visual appearance. Scientific Reports. 11, 4095 [open access]
Hirsch. T., Haiduk, M., & Sayim, B. (under review). Raphael’s ‘imperfect’ viol – a question of perspective.
Melnik, N., Coates, D. R., & Sayim, B. (in revision). Geometrically Restricted Image Descriptors: A method to capture the appearance of shape.
Taylor, H., & Sayim, B. (in revision). ‘Redundant Letters Lost: Redundancy Masking and the Identity Crowding Debate.
Doerig, A., Schmittwilken, L., Sayim, B. Manassi, M., Herzog, M. H. (2020). Capsule networks as recurrent models of grouping and segmentation PLOS Computational Biology. 16(7), e1008017. [online]
Yildirim, F. Z., Coates, D. R., & Sayim, B. (2020). Redundancy masking: The loss of repeated items in crowded peripheral vision. Journal of Vision. 2020. 20(4): 14. [open access]
Melnik, N., Coates, D. R., & Sayim, B (2020). Emergent features break the rules of crowding. Scientific Reports. 10(1), 1-10. [online]
Sayim, B., & Taylor, H. (2019). Letters lost: Capturing appearance in crowded peripheral vision reveals a new kind of masking. Psychological Science. 30(7), 1082-1086. [online]
Rummens K, & Sayim B (2019). Disrupting uniformity: Feature contrasts that reduce crowding interfere with peripheral word recognition. Vision Research, 161, 25-35. [online]
Melnik, N., Coates, D. R., & Sayim, B. (2018). Emergent features in the crowding zone: When target-flanker grouping surmounts crowding. Journal of Vision. 2018; 18(9):19 [open access]
Taylor, H., & Sayim, B. (2018). Crowding, attention and consciousness: in support of the inference hypothesis. Mind Lang. 2018; 1-17. [online]
Sayim, B., & Franke, I. (2018). Towards a phenomenology of the unknown. Berlin, Schering Foundation. [online]
Sayim, B., Wagemans, J. (2017). Appearance changes and error distributions in crowding revealed by drawings. Journal of Vision. 2017(17):8. [open access]
Coates, D. R., Wagemans, J., Sayim, B. (2017). Diagnosing the visual periphery: using the rey-osterrieth complex figure test to evaluate peripheral visual function. I-Perception. [open access]
Greenwood, J. A., Szinte, M., Sayim, B., & Cavanagh, P. (2017). Variations in crowding, saccadic precision, and spatial localization reveal the shared topology of spatial vision. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(17), E3573-E3582. [open access]
Ekroll, V., Sayim, B., & Wagemans, J. (2017). The other side of magic: The psychology of perceiving hidden things. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(1), 91-106. [online]
Herzog MH, Sayim B, Manassi M, Chicherov V (2016). What crowds in crowding? Journal of Vision, September 2016, Vol.16, 25. doi:10.1167/16.11.25.PublicationsPublications
Ekroll V, Sayim B, van der Hallen R, Wagemans J (2016). Illusory visual completion of an object’s invisible backside can make your finger feel shorter. Current Biology 26, no. 8 (April 25, 2016): 1029–33.PublicationsPublications
Coates DR, Chung STL. Crowding in the S-cone pathway. Vision Research April 8, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2016.03.007.PublicationsPublications
Overvliet KE1, Sayim B1 (2015). Perceptual grouping determines haptic contextual modulation. Vision Research. Available online, paper in press. [1 joint first author]PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Myin E, Van Uytven T (2015). Prior knowledge modulates peripheral color appearance. Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC), Tokyo Midterm meeting, 2015, 1147-1152.PublicationsPublications
Herzog MH, Sayim B, Chicherov V, Manassi M (2015). Crowding, grouping, and object recognition: a matter of appearance. Journal of Vision, 15(6):5, 1–18. PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Greenwood JG, Cavanagh P (2014). Foveal target repetitions reduce crowding. Journal of Vision.14 (6):4, 1-12. PublicationsPublications
Greenwood JG, Sayim B, Cavanagh P (2014). Crowding is reduced by onset transients in the target object (but not in the flankers). Journal of Vision, 14 (6):2, 1-21.PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Manassi M, Herzog MH (2014). How color, regularity, and Gestalt determine backward masking, Journal of Vision, 14(7):8, 1-11. PublicationsPublications
Coates DR, Chung STL. Changes across the psychometric function following perceptual learning of an RSVP reading task. Frontiers in Psychology (2014) Dec 23; 5:1434. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01434PublicationsPublications
Coates DR, Levi DM. Contour interaction in foveal vision: A response to Siderov, Waugh, and Bedell (2013) Vision Research 96 (2014):140-144. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2013.10.016PublicationsPublications
Ekroll V, Sayim B, Wagemans J (2013). Against better knowledge: The magical force of amodal volume completion. i-perception, 4, 511-515. PublicationsPublications
Manassi M, Sayim B, Herzog MH (2013). When crowding of crowding leads to uncrowding. Journal of Vision. 13(13):10, 1–10. PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Cavanagh P (2013). Grouping and Crowding Affect Target Appearance over Different Spatial Scales. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71188. PublicationsPublications
Coates DR, Chin JM, Chung STL. Factors affecting crowded acuity: eccentricity and contrast. Optometry & Vision Science (2013) Jul;90(7):628-38. doi: 10.1097/OPX.0b013e31829908a4PublicationsPublications
Manassi M, Sayim B, Herzog MH (2012). Grouping, pooling, and when bigger is better in visual crowding. Journal of Vision, 12(10):13, 1–14. PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Cavanagh P (2011). What line drawings reveal about the visual brain. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 5:118. PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Cavanagh P (2011). The Art of Transparency. i-Perception, 2(7), 679-696. PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Wesheimer G, Herzog MH (2011). Quantifying target conspicuity in contextual modulation by visual search. Journal of Vision, 11(1):6, 1-11. PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Grubert A, Herzog MH, Krummenacher J (2010). Display probability modulates attentional capture by onset distractors. Journal of Vision, 10(3):10, 1-8. PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Westheimer G, Herzog MH (2010). Gestalt Factors Modulate Basic Spatial Vision. Psychological Science, 21(5):641-4.PublicationsPublications
2009 (and earlier)
Saarela TP, Sayim B, Westheimer G, Herzog MH (2009). Global stimulus configuration modulates crowding. Journal of Vision, 9(2):5, 1-11. PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Westheimer G, Herzog MH (2008). Contrast polarity, chromaticity, and stereoscopic depth modulate contextual interactions in vernier acuity. Journal of Vision, 8(8):12, 1-9. PublicationsPublications
Sayim B, Jameson KA, Alvarado N, Szeszel M (2005). Semantic and perceptual representations of color: Evidence of a shared color naming function. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 5, 165-220.