




Béatrice Rouzé

Ingénieure de recherche



2022, B. Rouzé and W. Mbacham, "Pour la construction d'un doctorat en Afrique", 280 pages, edition in press in Roubaix, ISBN: 978-2-9565710-0-1

2019, TUNING Africa phase II, contribution to the edition of the books some Subject Area groups, Publication Tuning academy, Ed Deusto.EUA

2016, European Commission, Erasmus Mundus joint programmes, the story so far, Managing joint programmes, p. 47-58, Publication Office, ISBN 978-92-79-58160-1,

2015, European Commission, contribution to the ECTS users' Guide, Publication Office, ISBN 978-92-79-43562-1

2014, International Journal of African Higher Education, Volume 1, editorial team member, INHEA edition (243 pages)

2014, Samuel Mensah Sackey & al, Tuning Mechanical Engineering Higher Education in Africa towards Unified Quality and Accreditation, iCEER 2014

2014, Samuel Mensah Sackey & al, Reforming Mechanical Engineering Higher Education in Africa for Increased Industry Relevance, iCEER 2014 (International Conference on Engineering Education and Research)

2014, Tuning Approach in Africa, multi-author (Ed Deusto, 250 pages.)

2014, European Guide ECTS contribution to the drafting of the new guide (edition coming soon)

2012, European Commission-EACEA, participation in drafting the Erasmus + charter, guidelines and application form (2014-2020)

2011, IPAGU-Yaoundé, participation in the working group on drafting a guide of Rectors

2009 and 2010, Contribution to the development of European guidelines on double degrees, Joiman project,

2006, Report comparison financing doctoral studies in Europe