
International Conference on SMART TEXTILES, 28th-30th April 2022

This international conference, from 28th to 30th April 2022, aims at investigating how smart textiles are through time, from Antiquity to our contemporary world. Indeed, how, why and in which extent clothes and textiles have been used and are still used as an extension, development and augmentation of human identity, intelligence, and physical capacities? How does this impact and what does this require in terms of production, consumption and use? The event is thought as an exploratory fruitful dialogue between research on ancient textiles production and use, and research on modern textile performance and clothes properties, resistance, and consumption. It also builds on the exceptional history of textile production, groundbreaking research and innovation that have been at the heart of the French region Nord for centuries.

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Dernières actualités

Audrey Gouy (ed.), Textiles in Motion. Dress for Dance in the Ancient World, Oxford, 2023

Dress is at the core of dance. It adorns dancers, defines various roles, and forms symbolic expressions that,…