
Aude De Mézerac Zanetti
Aude de Mézerac-Zanetti
MCF en civilisation et histoire britannique
Lecturer in British studies
Faculté des LLCE
Membre Junion de l'Institut Universitaire de France (2022-2027)
activités scientifiques
27 juin 2023: atelier international autour de REPPOL (Rethinking the Prebendaries Plot on Line), à Lille, co-organisé avec Olivier Spina.
12-15 juin 2023 : co-organisation de l'école d'été :"Écrits et écritures de la période moderne : identifier, comprendre et exploiter les manuscrits anglophones" (avec Anne Page, AMU; Guillaume Coatalen, CY Cergy-Paris; Aurélie Griffin, Sorbonne Nouvelle)
1 février 2023 : 4ème atelier TRANS_HYB autour de la collaboration entre musicologistes et historiens dans l'étude des liturgies de la première modernité. (à 16h, contactez-moi si vous souhaitez le lien zoom).
24 janvier 2023 : Séminaire Digital Materialities (LARCA, Paris Cité) : “Books talking back: interpreting manuscript alterations in English liturgical books used under Henry VIII”
2 décembre 2022: Séminaire Culture et Religion (TransCrit/Paris 8 - HDEA/Sorbonne) avec Claire Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille (Université de Rouen Normandie) : « Réflexions autour de l'historiographie du puritanisme (1559-1642) ».
2 juin 2022 : participation à l'atelier SFS lors du congrès de la SAES
23-24 mai 2022: Co-organisation des rencontres de la Ecclesiastical History Society à Rouen (avec Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille et Géraldine Vaughan) : new perspectives on religious history
8 avril 2022 : Journée autour de The Lifeblood de Glyn Maxwell sur la mort de Marie Stuart, organisée par Claire Hélie, avec Alice Leroy : https://cecille.univ-lille.fr/nc/detail-event/journee-autour-de-la-piece-the-lifeblood-de-glyn-maxwell/
1 avril 2022: communication au colloque international de la Renaissance Society of America à Dublin: An Antwerp Widow's Perspective on Henry VIII's Reformation: Catherine Ruremund's Sarum Publications of 1543–44.
17 février 2022: conférence invitée au Early Modern Britain Seminar (Université d' Oxford): New heuristic approaches to the liturgy : changing worship practices in the reign of Henry VIII
12 novembre 2021 : organisation du 3ème workshop TRANS_HYB à Lille: What can an anthropological approach bring to the study of early modern worship ? Conférencier invité : Christian Grosse. https://transhyb.hypotheses.org/18
29 juin 2021 : organisation du workshop Rethinking the Prebendaries Plot On Line (projet RePPOL) avec Olivier Spina (Lyon 2) à Lyon : enjeux scientifiques et pédagogiques autour du manuscrit MS 128, Corpus Christi College. https://ahmuf.hypotheses.org/9528
5 juin 2021 : participation à la table ronde sur l'enseignement de la SEAA 17-18 (Congrès annuel de la Société des Anglicistes du Supérieur) : Comment enseigner la période moderne ?
4 décembre 2020 : Conférence invitée au Séminaire Franco-Britannique d'Histoire : " 'Ceci n'est pas une Réforme' : les changements liturgiques sous le règne d'Henri VIII "
6 décembre 2019 : Workshop " Lived Religion and the Book " organisé par Anne Page, Laurence Lux-Sterritt et Tessa Whitehouse à Queen Mary University of London : " Living the Liturgy in Henry VIII's Reformation : the evidence from massbooks ". Publication à suivre en 2020.
8 octobre 2019 : Colloque international organisé par le GIS Religions : Textes, Pratiques, Pouvoirs (Lyon) : " Quel Catholicisme restaure-t-on sous Marie Tudor ?"
Juin 2019 : Congrès annuel de la Société des Anglicistes du Supérieur (ateliers manuscrits) : Les marginalias dans les livres liturgiques anglais (1534-1547) : corpus d'exceptions ou corpus d'exception
Actualité de ma recherche
TRANS_HYB project 2020-2022
Rethinking the Prebebendaries Plot On Line is a digital humanities project run collaboratively with Dr. Olivier Spina (Université de Lyon 2), Victoria Le Fourner and Florence Perret (digital humanities experts from MESHS-Lille), Felipe Goes-Silva (second year MA student in Lille working under my supervision). We are editing and analysing MS 128 held in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The manuscript is a well-known source which was created as Thomas Cranmer investigated heterodox practices in his diocese and a plot designed by conservative clergy and gentry to challenge his authority as archbishop of Canterbury. We are interested in uncovering its internal organisation and the way it was constituted and in using the data it contains to examine the workings of popular consent in Henrician England and to examine the "prayer wars" which Henry's Reformation unleashed in Kent.
April 2022 : we are welcoming our intern Adrien Mével who is joining our team of five to help us produce an online edition of MS 128, an analytical dataset and visualisations. He will be with us for four months (the internship is funded by LABEX-COMOD, Lyon).
TRANS_HYB has been set up to examine how people transition from one system of beliefs and practices to another and how hybrid practices emerge that derive from the process and facilitate such transitions. From 1500, as confessional diversity emerged in Europe and Christians encountered peoples of many other faiths in the context of colonial expansion, conversion became urgently topical. Although much work has been done on how local adaptations of Christian faiths facilitated mass conversions in missionary settings, examining the process of religious change in Europe between Catholicism and Protestantism as one of “transition” is radically novel in the field of Reformation studies. Conversely, TRANS_HYB will also examine the evolution of rituals within confessions and explore the changing parameters of intra-confessional practices.
This approach implies a shift of emphasis to the practices of ordinary people and to rituals and material objects used in worship. Hence confessional identities are deessentialized while the lived experience of religious fluidity is underlined.
We will mobilize the tools used in the field of anthropological history in particular to explore the lived experience of religious change and its corporate aspects. We will seek inspiration in methods and heuristic tools forged to analyse how the colonial encounter altered religious dynamics ( acculturaltion, syncretic rituals and practices). Our approach implies a shift in emphasis from theological beliefs to practices, from clergy and political elites to ordinary people grappling to adapt to mandated change, from individual conversion narratives to community-centered transformations and, finally, from doctrinal concepts to rituals and material objects used in worship and ceremonies. Hence confessional identities are de-essentialized while the lived experience of religious fluidity is underlined.
The team’s expertise is in religious history, urban history and musicology of Early Modern Europe and this initial study will focus on English Dutch, French, German and Spanish speaking, communities in Europe, in particular in the area on both sides of the Channel.
Members of the TRANS_HYB network: Pr. Kenneth Fincham (Kent), Dr. Marianne Gillion (KU Leuven), Felipe Goes Silva (Université de Lille), Anne Heminger (University of Tampa, Florida), Suzanna Ivanic (University of Kent), Dr. Yves Junot (UVHC), Dr. Chris Langley (Newman College), Dr. Matthew Laube (Birkbeck College, London), Dr. Antoine Mazurek, Emmanuel Phatthanasinh (Lorraine), Pr. Violet Soen (KU Leuven), Dr. Daniel Trocmé-Latter (Hamerton College, Cambridge), Pr. Anne-Laure Van Bruaene (U. Gent), Heleen Wyffels (KU Leuven).
Three workshops will be run over a two year period to elaborate a research agenda and a design concepts and methods to analyse unexamined sources or revisit underexamined ones.
WORKSHOP 1: Friday 23 October, We discussed David Luebke's Hometown Religion: Regimes of Co-Existence in Westphalia.
WORKSHOP 2: 6 May 2021 : Epistomological issues around the liturgical studies
Session 1 : Does practicing mean believing ?
Chair : Aude de Mézerac-Zanetti
Presentation : Emmanuel Phattanasinh (Université de Lorraine): "Hot and cold rituals": a new paragigm to examine liturgies in context.
Session 2 : Practice-led research in the field of liturgical studies
Chair: Marianne Gillion.
We discussed the Experience of Worship Project (John Harper and Sally Harper, Bangor University).
Workshop 3 : 12 Nov 2022 : anthropological approaches to early modern rituals with Christian Grosse (Université de Génève).
We explored the ways in which work conducted in the field of anthropology was mobilized to examine religious rituals and practices in the fields of history and musicology.
Funding and awards (2019-2022)
June 2022 : Appointed junior fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (2022-2027)
January 2021: FLASH award by I-SITE ULNE for TRANS_HYB and REPOL to run the workshops, fund research and hire short-term support staff to set up the REPOL plateform (24,200 €).
January 2020: "Projet Emergent" award by the MESHS to fund first workshop and further travelling for research and to meet scholars (3,000€).
June 2019 : travelling bursary awarded by I-SITE ULNE to set up first contact in view of establishing a network of scholars based in Kent, KU Leuven and U Gent (900€).
Dernières actualités
Comment réussir le commentaire de texte en civilisation ?
Des étudiants du département Angellier (LLCE anglais) vous l'expliquent :
Vidéo 1: les repérages.
Vidéo 2: le plan.
Vidéo 3: l'introduction.
Vidéo 4: le paragraphe.
"Les tutos de la méthodo: le commentaire de texte en civilisation" : un projet d'innovation pédagogique financé par l'Université de Lille 3 et co-ordonné par Aude de Mézerac-Zanetti en 2017-2018.