Antoine Henry
Axes de recherche
Projets de recherche en cours
Projets avec l'Axe 4 GERiiCO :
- Réseau de partenaires pour l'analyse et l'exploration de données numériques (ResPaDon) : Soutenu par le GIS CollEx-Persée et porté par l’Université de Lille et la Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), en partenariat avec Sciences Po et le Campus Condorcet, le projet ResPaDon se fonde sur une analyse des usages des archives du web et des corpus numériques constitués par la BnF pour expérimenter de nouvelles modalités d’accès et d’exploitation de ces collections numériques. Projet porté par Laurence Favier.
- TogoInfonum : Le projet « Togo-InfoNum » s’appuie sur la plateforme de logiciels de la société Archimed avec une double finalité : une finalité pédagogique reposant sur la formation à un système informatisé de gestion de bibliothèque (SIGB), permettant de construire une bibliothèque numérique alliant ressources propres et ressources numériques en libre accès du reste du monde, grâce à une plateforme-école mise à disposition pour nos étudiants, plateforme qu’ils administrent ; une finalité professionnelle par la création d’un Learning Center qui permet de stocker des cours et un référentiel de compétences des métiers de l’information (journalisme, documentation, archives, métiers du Web) afin d’organiser une mémoire des contenus enseignés au Togo mais aussi de disposer d’un cadre pour penser l’évolution des compétences requises. Cet appui technologique est essentiel pour comprendre comment s’organisent les réseaux mondiaux de connaissances à l’âge du Web et comment articuler des ressources locales à des ressources mondiales (enjeu des normes et formats et de l’interopérabilité). Enfin, l’adossement à la recherche se construit sur un partenariat scientifique entre l’axe 4 du laboratoire GERiiCO de l’université de Lille et le laboratoire CEROCE de l’université de Lomé. Projet porté par Laurence Favier, financement ADESFA.
Autres projets de recherche :
- LibrarIn : Projet Horizon Europe d'analyse de la co-création de valeur dans le monde des bibliothèques. Début du projet novembre 2022. Contributions au WP3, en particulier sur le 3.1 (transformation numérique et TIC -> revue de littérature et réalisation de cas d'études.
LibrarIN aims to discover, analyse and provide managerial and policy recommendations for transformative strategies that integrate the co-creation of value in public libraries. This will be achieved by introducing a new model of public service and social innovation. The project intends to explore how to co-create value for individuals and society through the design and delivery of library services. It will also identify models to resolve potential conflicts between individual values and social values. LibrarIN has identified the following six specific objectives. LibrarIN aims to discover, analyse and provide managerial and policy recommendations for transformative strategies that integrate the co-creation of value in public libraries. This will be achieved by introducing a new model of public service and social innovation. The project intends to explore how to co-create value for individuals and society through the design and delivery of library services. It will also identify models to resolve potential conflicts between individual values and social values. LibrarIN has identified the following six specific objectives.
- Fair MusE : Projet Horizon Europe d'analyse de l'écosystème musical en Europe sur les volets juridique, économique et algorithmique. Début du projet avril 2023. Contributions aux WP3 et WP4.
FAIRMUSE seeks to raise awareness about how music algorithms, data collection, and exploitation models of social media and streaming platforms influence music creators and audiences. The project’s output could potentially have several economic, scientific, and social impacts:
Economic impacts
The entire music industry benefits from greater opportunities for sustainable growth that the rights management assets and technologies provided by the Music Copyright Infrastructure offer, as well as from a much clearer understanding and evidence of the fairness of the leading music platforms and services. The new insights will allow the sector to develop new strategies or adapt its business models to more sustainable and transparent processes.
Scientific impacts
FAIRMUSE will lead to a significant increase in knowledge about the current and future impact of online platforms on music creators’ rights, the economic and social value of digital music (and its possible modification or devaluation).
Societal impacts
Music and musical works constitute a key sector for European cultural heritage. The results of FAIRMUSE will help safeguard and promote musical culture through appropriate responses to multiple social, economic, technological and artistic changes.
- Je Fabrique mon matériel pédagogique : Travail d'analyse sur les questions d'appropriation et d'articulation de communs dans un contexte pédagogique. Co-porté avec Coexiscience. Financement FEDER
Projects with Axis 4 GERiiCO :
- Network of partners for the analysis and exploration of digital data (ResPaDon): Supported by the GIS CollEx-Persée and carried out by the University of Lille and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), in partnership with Sciences Po and the Campus Condorcet, the ResPaDon project is based on an analysis of the uses of web archives and digital corpora constituted by the BnF in order to experiment with new ways of accessing and using these digital collections. Project led by Laurence Favier.
- TogoInfonum: The "Togo-InfoNum" project is based on the Archimed software platform with a dual purpose: a pedagogical purpose based on the training to a computerized library management system (SIGB), allowing to build a digital library combining own resources and digital resources in free access from the rest of the world, thanks to a school-platform made available for our students, platform that they administer; a professional purpose through the creation of a Learning Center that allows us to store courses and a reference system of skills for information professions (journalism, documentation, archives, Web professions) in order to organise a memory of the contents taught in Togo but also to have a framework for thinking about the evolution of the required skills. This technological support is essential for understanding how global knowledge networks are organised in the age of the Web and how to link local resources to global resources (the issue of standards and formats and interoperability). Finally, the research support is built on a scientific partnership between axis 4 of the GERiiCO laboratory of the University of Lille and the CEROCE laboratory of the University of Lomé. Project led by Laurence Favier, funded by ADESFA.
Other research projects:
- LibrarIn: H2020 project to analyse the co-creation of value in the library world. Project start November 2022. Contributions to WP3, in particular on 3.1 (digital transformation and ICT -> literature review and case studies).
LibrarIN aims to discover, analyse and provide managerial and policy recommendations for transformative strategies that integrate the co-creation of value in public libraries. This will be achieved by introducing a new model of public service and social innovation. The project intends to explore how to co-create value for individuals and society through the design and delivery of library services. It will also identify models to resolve potential conflicts between individual values and social values. LibrarIN has identified the following six specific objectives. LibrarIN aims to discover, analyse and provide managerial and policy recommendations for transformative strategies that integrate the co-creation of value in public libraries. This will be achieved by introducing a new model of public service and social innovation. The project intends to explore how to co-create value for individuals and society through the design and delivery of library services. It will also identify models to resolve potential conflicts between individual values and social values. LibrarIN has identified the following six specific objectives.
- Fair MusE: Horizon Europe project to analyse the music ecosystem in Europe from a legal, economic and algorithmic perspective. Project start April 2023. Contributions to WP3 and WP4.
FAIRMUSE seeks to raise awareness about how music algorithms, data collection, and exploitation models of social media and streaming platforms influence music creators and audiences. The project’s output could potentially have several economic, scientific, and social impacts:
Economic impacts
The entire music industry benefits from greater opportunities for sustainable growth that the rights management assets and technologies provided by the Music Copyright Infrastructure offer, as well as from a much clearer understanding and evidence of the fairness of the leading music platforms and services. The new insights will allow the sector to develop new strategies or adapt its business models to more sustainable and transparent processes.
Scientific impacts
FAIRMUSE will lead to a significant increase in knowledge about the current and future impact of online platforms on music creators’ rights, the economic and social value of digital music (and its possible modification or devaluation).
Societal impacts
Music and musical works constitute a key sector for European cultural heritage. The results of FAIRMUSE will help safeguard and promote musical culture through appropriate responses to multiple social, economic, technological and artistic changes.
- Je Fabrique mon matériel pédagogique: Analytical work on the issues of appropriation and articulation of commons in an educational context. Co-sponsored with Coexiscience. ERDF funding