Anne Savard
Maîtresse de conférences
Laboratoire / équipe
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[J6] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, R. de Lamare, "Multi-user downlink NOMA systems aided by an ambient backscatter device: achievable rate region and energy-efficiency maximization", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking Accepted, March 2023
[J5] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Adaptive NOMA in time-varying wireless networks with no CSIT/CDIT relying on a 1-bit feedback", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 10, No. 4, April 2021, pp. 750-754
[J4] A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Full-duplex Relaying for Opportunistic Spectrum Access under an Overall Power Constraint ", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, 2020, pp. 168262 - 168272
[J3] Y. Mestrah, A. Savard, A. Goupil, G. Gelle, L. Clavier, "An Unsupervised LLR Estimation with unknown Noise Distribution", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, SpringerOpen, 2020, 26, pp. 1 - 11.
[J2] M. Tahmasbi, A. Savard, M. R. Bloch, "Covert Capacity of Non-Coherent Rayleigh-Fading Channels", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 66, No. 4, April 2020, pp. 1979-2005
Before 2020
[J1] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "On the Gaussian multiway relay channel with intra-cluster links", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, SpringerOpen, 2016, 52, pp. 1 - 17.
[C20] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, and R. de Lamare, "Energy-Efficient Solutions in Two-user Downlink NOMA Systems Aided by Ambient Backscattering", IEEE Globecom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2022
[C19] Y. Ben Atia, R. Negrel, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Robustness to imperfect CSI of power allocation policies in cognitive relay networks", IEEE SPAWC, Oulu, Finland, 2022
[C18] S. Gelincik, P. Mary, A. Savard, J-Y. Baudais, "Preserving the Minimum Distance of Polar-Like Codes While Increasing the Information Length", IEEE ISIT, Espoo, Finland, 2022
[C17] Y. Ben Atia, A. Savard, R. Negrel, E. V. Belmega, "Unsupervised deep learning to solve power allocation problems in cognitive relay networks", IEEE ICC Workshop, Seoul, South Korea, 2022
[C16] S. Gelincik, P. Mary, J-Y. Baudais, A. Savard, "Achieving PAC Code Performance with SCL Decoding without Extra Computational Complexity", IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, 2022
[C15] Y. Mestrah, D. Anade, A. Savard, A. Goupil, M. Egan, P. Mary, J-M. Gorce, L. Clavier, "Unsupervised Log-Likelihood Ratio Parameter Estimation for Short LDPC Packets in Impulsive Noise", IEEE WCNC, Austin, USA, 2022
[C14] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, and R. de Lamare, "Energy-efficient Cooperative Backscattering Closed-Form Solution for NOMA", IEEE Globecom, Madrid, Spain, 2021
[C13] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Energy-efficient 1-bit feedback NOMA in wireless networks with no CSIT/CDIT", IEEE SSP workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2021
[C12] A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Optimal power allocation policies in multi-hop cognitive radio networks", IEEE PIMRC, London, UK, 2020
[C11] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "A closed-form solution for energy-efficiency optimization in multi-user downlink NOMA", IEEE PIMRC, London, UK, 2020
[C10] M. de Freitas, M. Egan, L. Clavier, A. Savard, JM. Gorce, "Power Control in Parallel Symmetric α-Stable Noise Channels", IEEE SPAWC, Cannes, France, 2019
[C9] Y. Mestrah, A. Savard, A. Goupil, G. Gellé, L. Clavier, "Robust and Simple Log-Likelihood Approximation for Receiver Design", IEEE WCNC, Marrakech, Morocco, 2019
[C8] A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Optimal Power Allocation in a Relay-aided Cognitive Network", ACM EAI ValueTools, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2019
[C7] Y. Mestrah, A. Savard, A. Goupil, L. Clavier, G. Gellé, "Blind Estimation of an Approximated Likelihood Ratio in Impulsive Environment", IEEE PIMRC, Bologna, Italy, 2018
[C6] A. Savard , L. Clavier, "On the two-way diamond relay channel with lattice-based Compress-and-Forward", IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, 2018
[C5] M. Egan, L. Clavier, M. de Freitas, L. Dorville, JM. Gorce, A. Savard, "Wireless Communication in Dynamic Interference", IEEE Globecom, Singapour, 2017
Before 2016
[C4] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Lattice coding for the Gaussian one- and two-way relay channels with correlated noises", IEEE ISIT, Hong-Kong, Jun. 2015
[C3] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "On the multiway relay channel with direct links", IEEE ITW, Hobart, Australia, Nov. 2014
[C2] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Optimized codes for the binary coded side-information problem", IEEE ISTC, Bremen, Germany, Aug. 2014
[C1] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Improved decoding for binary source coding with coded side information", IEEE ITW, Sevilla, Spain, Sep. 2013
[NC10] A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Achievable rate regions for cooperative cognitive radio networks with complex channels and circular normal additive noises", GRETSI 2022, Nancy, France
[NC9] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, and R. de Lamare, "Rétrodiffusion coopérative efficace en énergie pour un système multi-utilisateurs à accès multiple NOMA", GRETSI 2022, Nancy, France
[NC8] Y. Mestrah, A. Savard, A. Goupil, G. Gellé, L. Clavier, "Mesure indirecte des performances de LLR approché", GRETSI 2019, Lille, France
[NC7] A. Savard, L. Clavier, F. Danneville, C. Loyez, "Performance théorique d'un neurone à spikes Integrate-and-Fire", GRETSI 2019, Lille, France
[NC6] A. Savard, L. Clavier, "Canal à deux relais utilisant Compress-and-Forward", GRETSI 2019, Lille, France
[NC5] A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Allocation de puissance pour les réseaux radio cognitifs à relais", GRETSI 2019, Lille, France
[NC4] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Codage basé sur les réseaux de points pour le canal à relais Gaussien mono- et bidirectionnel avec bruits corrélés", GRETSI 2017, Juan les Pins, France
[NC3] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Canal à relais multidirectionnel avec liens directs", GRETSI 2015, Lyon, France
[NC2] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Décodeur amélioré pour le codage de source avec information adjacente compressée", GRETSI 2013, Brest, France
[NC1] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Codes LDPC non-binaires pour le codage de source", Journées Codage et Cryptographie 2012, Dinard, France
[S12] A. Savard, "On the interplay between information theory and optimization: Applications to multi-user wireless communications", IMS Bordeaux, France, May 2023
[S11] A. Savard, "Optimal power allocation policy for a full-duplex relay-aided cognitive network", ETIS, Cergy, France, January 2020
[S10] A. Savard, "Optimal power allocation policy for a full-duplex relay-aided cognitive network", Workshop IWITC, IEMN, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, July 2019
[S9] A. Savard, "IF Neuron: theoretical study and application to digital communication", ETIS, Cergy, France, Oct. 2018
[S8] A. Savard, "IF Neuron: theoretical study and application to digital communication", INSA Lyon, Lyon, France, July 2018
[S7] A. Savard, "Cooperative communications: Coding for relay channels", Laboratoire Cristal - équipe Sigma, Lille, France, October 2016
[S6] A. Savard, "Cooperative communications: Coding for relay channels", Télécom Lille, Lille, France, May 2016
[S5] A. Savard, "Coding for cooperative communications: Topics in relay channels", Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France, Jan. 2016
[S4] A. Savard, "Coding for cooperative communications: Topics in relay channels", Télécom Bretagne, Brest, France, Jan. 2016
[S3] A. Savard, "Lattice coding for the Gaussian one- and two-way relay channels with correlated noises", Laboratoire ETIS, Cergy, France, May 2015
[S2] A. Savard, "On the multiway relay channel with direct links", Laboratoire ETIS, Cergy, France, Nov. 2014
[S1] A. Savard, "On the multiway relay channel with direct links", LNT, Munich, Germany, Jul. 2014
[P2] A. Savard, "Covert Wireless Communications", North America School of Information Theory, Duke, USA, Jun. 2016
[P1] A. Savard, "On the multiway relay channel with direct links", Australian Information Theory school, Adelaide, Australia, Nov. 2014
[PhD] A. Savard, "Coding for cooperative communications: Topics in distributed source coding and relay channels", Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy, France, defended on Sept., 22th 2015Journal papers
[J7 sub] S. Gelincik, P. Mary, A. Savard, J-Y. Baudais, "A Pre-Transformation Method to Increase the Minimum Distance of Polar-Like Codes", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communications, April 2022, Major revision[J6] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, R. de Lamare, "Multi-user downlink NOMA systems aided by an ambient backscatter device: achievable rate region and energy-efficiency maximization", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking Accepted, March 2023
[J5] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Adaptive NOMA in time-varying wireless networks with no CSIT/CDIT relying on a 1-bit feedback", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 10, No. 4, April 2021, pp. 750-754
[J4] A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Full-duplex Relaying for Opportunistic Spectrum Access under an Overall Power Constraint ", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, 2020, pp. 168262 - 168272
[J3] Y. Mestrah, A. Savard, A. Goupil, G. Gelle, L. Clavier, "An Unsupervised LLR Estimation with unknown Noise Distribution", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, SpringerOpen, 2020, 26, pp. 1 - 11.
[J2] M. Tahmasbi, A. Savard, M. R. Bloch, "Covert Capacity of Non-Coherent Rayleigh-Fading Channels", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 66, No. 4, April 2020, pp. 1979-2005
[J1] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "On the Gaussian multiway relay channel with intra-cluster links", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, SpringerOpen, 2016, 52, pp. 1 - 17.
International conferences
[C20] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, and R. de Lamare, "Energy-Efficient Solutions in Two-user Downlink NOMA Systems Aided by Ambient Backscattering", IEEE Globecom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2022
[C19] Y. Ben Atia, R. Negrel, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Robustness to imperfect CSI of power allocation policies in cognitive relay networks", IEEE SPAWC, Oulu, Finland, 2022
[C18] S. Gelincik, P. Mary, A. Savard, J-Y. Baudais, "Preserving the Minimum Distance of Polar-Like Codes While Increasing the Information Length", IEEE ISIT, Espoo, Finland, 2022
[C17] Y. Ben Atia, A. Savard, R. Negrel, E. V. Belmega, "Unsupervised deep learning to solve power allocation problems in cognitive relay networks", IEEE ICC Workshop, Seoul, South Korea, 2022
[C16] S. Gelincik, P. Mary, J-Y. Baudais, A. Savard, "Achieving PAC Code Performance with SCL Decoding without Extra Computational Complexity", IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, 2022
[C15] Y. Mestrah, D. Anade, A. Savard, A. Goupil, M. Egan, P. Mary, J-M. Gorce, L. Clavier, "Unsupervised Log-Likelihood Ratio Parameter Estimation for Short LDPC Packets in Impulsive Noise", IEEE WCNC, Austin, USA, 2022
[C14] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, and R. de Lamare, "Energy-efficient Cooperative Backscattering Closed-Form Solution for NOMA", IEEE Globecom, Madrid, Spain, 2021
[C13] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Energy-efficient 1-bit feedback NOMA in wireless networks with no CSIT/CDIT", IEEE SSP workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2021
[C12] A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Optimal power allocation policies in multi-hop cognitive radio networks", IEEE PIMRC, London, UK, 2020
[C11] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "A closed-form solution for energy-efficiency optimization in multi-user downlink NOMA", IEEE PIMRC, London, UK, 2020
[C10] M. de Freitas, M. Egan, L. Clavier, A. Savard, JM. Gorce, "Power Control in Parallel Symmetric α-Stable Noise Channels", IEEE SPAWC, Cannes, France, 2019
[C9] Y. Mestrah, A. Savard, A. Goupil, G. Gellé, L. Clavier, "Robust and Simple Log-Likelihood Approximation for Receiver Design", IEEE WCNC, Marrakech, Morocco, 2019
[C8] A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Optimal Power Allocation in a Relay-aided Cognitive Network", ACM EAI ValueTools, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2019
[C7] Y. Mestrah, A. Savard, A. Goupil, L. Clavier, G. Gellé, "Blind Estimation of an Approximated Likelihood Ratio in Impulsive Environment", IEEE PIMRC, Bologna, Italy, 2018
[C6] A. Savard , L. Clavier, "On the two-way diamond relay channel with lattice-based Compress-and-Forward", IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, 2018
[C5] M. Egan, L. Clavier, M. de Freitas, L. Dorville, JM. Gorce, A. Savard, "Wireless Communication in Dynamic Interference", IEEE Globecom, Singapour, 2017
[C4] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Lattice coding for the Gaussian one- and two-way relay channels with correlated noises", IEEE ISIT, Hong-Kong, Jun. 2015
[C3] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "On the multiway relay channel with direct links", IEEE ITW, Hobart, Australia, Nov. 2014
[C2] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Optimized codes for the binary coded side-information problem", IEEE ISTC, Bremen, Germany, Aug. 2014
[C1] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Improved decoding for binary source coding with coded side information", IEEE ITW, Sevilla, Spain, Sep. 2013
National conferences
[NC11] R. Negrel, Y. Ben Atia, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Sélection de relais robuste aux canaux imparfaits pour la radio cognitive coopérative exploitant des réseaux profonds", GRETSI 2023, Grenoble, France, accepted[NC10] A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Achievable rate regions for cooperative cognitive radio networks with complex channels and circular normal additive noises", GRETSI 2022, Nancy, France
[NC9] H. El Hassani, A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, and R. de Lamare, "Rétrodiffusion coopérative efficace en énergie pour un système multi-utilisateurs à accès multiple NOMA", GRETSI 2022, Nancy, France
[NC8] Y. Mestrah, A. Savard, A. Goupil, G. Gellé, L. Clavier, "Mesure indirecte des performances de LLR approché", GRETSI 2019, Lille, France
[NC7] A. Savard, L. Clavier, F. Danneville, C. Loyez, "Performance théorique d'un neurone à spikes Integrate-and-Fire", GRETSI 2019, Lille, France
[NC6] A. Savard, L. Clavier, "Canal à deux relais utilisant Compress-and-Forward", GRETSI 2019, Lille, France
[NC5] A. Savard, E. V. Belmega, "Allocation de puissance pour les réseaux radio cognitifs à relais", GRETSI 2019, Lille, France
[NC4] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Codage basé sur les réseaux de points pour le canal à relais Gaussien mono- et bidirectionnel avec bruits corrélés", GRETSI 2017, Juan les Pins, France
[NC3] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Canal à relais multidirectionnel avec liens directs", GRETSI 2015, Lyon, France
[NC2] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Décodeur amélioré pour le codage de source avec information adjacente compressée", GRETSI 2013, Brest, France
[NC1] A. Savard, C. Weidmann, "Codes LDPC non-binaires pour le codage de source", Journées Codage et Cryptographie 2012, Dinard, France
Seminars and posters
[S13] A. Savard, "Energy-efficient multi-user NOMA wireless communications", Webinar IMT, online, May 2023[S12] A. Savard, "On the interplay between information theory and optimization: Applications to multi-user wireless communications", IMS Bordeaux, France, May 2023
[S11] A. Savard, "Optimal power allocation policy for a full-duplex relay-aided cognitive network", ETIS, Cergy, France, January 2020
[S10] A. Savard, "Optimal power allocation policy for a full-duplex relay-aided cognitive network", Workshop IWITC, IEMN, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, July 2019
[S9] A. Savard, "IF Neuron: theoretical study and application to digital communication", ETIS, Cergy, France, Oct. 2018
[S8] A. Savard, "IF Neuron: theoretical study and application to digital communication", INSA Lyon, Lyon, France, July 2018
[S7] A. Savard, "Cooperative communications: Coding for relay channels", Laboratoire Cristal - équipe Sigma, Lille, France, October 2016
[S6] A. Savard, "Cooperative communications: Coding for relay channels", Télécom Lille, Lille, France, May 2016
[S5] A. Savard, "Coding for cooperative communications: Topics in relay channels", Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France, Jan. 2016
[S4] A. Savard, "Coding for cooperative communications: Topics in relay channels", Télécom Bretagne, Brest, France, Jan. 2016
[S3] A. Savard, "Lattice coding for the Gaussian one- and two-way relay channels with correlated noises", Laboratoire ETIS, Cergy, France, May 2015
[S2] A. Savard, "On the multiway relay channel with direct links", Laboratoire ETIS, Cergy, France, Nov. 2014
[S1] A. Savard, "On the multiway relay channel with direct links", LNT, Munich, Germany, Jul. 2014
[P2] A. Savard, "Covert Wireless Communications", North America School of Information Theory, Duke, USA, Jun. 2016
[P1] A. Savard, "On the multiway relay channel with direct links", Australian Information Theory school, Adelaide, Australia, Nov. 2014