Angele Brunelliere
Ma recherche se situe à l'interface de la psychologie expérimentale et des neurosciences cognitives pour comprendre les processus allant de la perception de la parole à la construction du sens de la phrase. Je m'intéresse à comprendre comment les auditeurs décodent et comprennent le message dit par leurs interlocuteurs et comment les auditeurs adaptent leur manière de comprendre ce message. Plus précisément, j’étudie les représentations et les processus cognitifs impliqués dans la compréhension du langage parlé.
Dernières actualités
Stinkeste, C., Vincent, M.A., Delrue, L., & Brunellière, A. (2023). Between alpha and gamma oscillations: Neural signatures of linguistic predictions and listener's attention to speaker's communication intention. Biological Psychology, 180, 108583.
When listeners hear a message produced by their interlocutor, they can predict upcoming words thanks to the
sentential context and their attention can be focused on the speaker’s communication intention. In two elec-
troencephalographical (EEG) studies, we investigated the oscillatory correlates of prediction in spoken-language
comprehension and how they are modulated by the listener’s attention. Sentential contexts which were strongly
predictive of a particular word were ended by a possessive adjective either matching the gender of the predicted
word or not. Alpha, beta and gamma oscillations were studied as they were considered to play a crucial role in
the predictive process. While evidence of word prediction was related to alpha fluctuations when listeners
focused their attention on sentence meaning, changes in high-gamma oscillations were triggered by word pre-
diction when listeners focused their attention on the speaker’s communication intention. Independently of the
endogenous attention to a level of linguistic information, the oscillatory correlates of word predictions in lan-
guage comprehension were sensitive to the prosodic emphasis produced by the speaker at a late stage. These
findings thus bear major implications for understanding the neural mechanisms that support predictive pro-
cessing in spoken-language comprehension.