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Co-direction of the special issue "Collecting, Preserving, and Disseminating Endangered Cultural Heritage for New Understandings through Multilingual Approaches" (Vol.2020, Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities)

A special issue of the Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, co-directed by Amel Fraisse, Ronald Jenn and Shelley Fisher Fishkin
This special issue of the Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, co-directed by Amel Fraisse, Ronald Jenn and Shelley Fisher Fishkin aims to featuring a selection of papers presenting recent research works that aims at developing new computational approaches for collecting, preserving, and disseminating endangered knowledge and cultural heritage.

In an increasingly globalized context, multilingualism and multiculturalism have become major preoccupations to preserve knowledge diversity and cultural heritage. The rapid growth of digitally and publicly available knowledge resources poses the challenge of knowing how to effectively preserve, analyze, understand, and disseminate that knowledge. Indeed, over time, the gap between languages of dominant nations or civilizations and other languages has been growing. This special issue, featuring a selection of papers addressing the above-mentioned challenges and presenting recent research that aims at developing new computational approaches for collecting, preserving, and disseminating endangered knowledge and cultural heritage.

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