Alexandre Boe
Maîtresse de conférences
Laboratoire / équipe
"citationRef_s":"<i>XXXVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS 2023)</i>, Aug 2023, Sapporo, Japan. pp.1-4, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.23919/URSIGASS57860.2023.10265647⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Artur de São José, Virginie Deniau, Alexandre Boé, Eric Pierre Simon. A simulation tool to interpret error rates in LoRa systems under frequency-sweeping jamming. <i>XXXVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS 2023)</i>, Aug 2023, Sapporo, Japan. pp.1-4, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.23919/URSIGASS57860.2023.10265647⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04127556v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A simulation tool to interpret error rates in LoRa systems under frequency-sweeping jamming"],
"authFullName_s":["Artur de São José","Virginie Deniau","Alexandre Boé","Eric Pierre Simon"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Sensors</i>, 2023, 23 (2), pp.619. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.3390/s23020619⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Aymeric Pastre, Alexandre Boé, Nathalie Rolland, Rémy Bernard. All-Solid-State Interdigitated Micro-Supercapacitors Based on Porous Gold Electrodes. <i>Sensors</i>, 2023, 23 (2), pp.619. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.3390/s23020619⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03929831⟩</a>",
"title_s":["All-Solid-State Interdigitated Micro-Supercapacitors Based on Porous Gold Electrodes"],
"authFullName_s":["Aymeric Pastre","Alexandre Boé","Nathalie Rolland","Rémy Bernard"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>2022 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe</i>, Sep 2022, Gothenburg, Sweden. pp.586-591, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/EMCEurope51680.2022.9901081⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Artur de Sao Jose, Nathan Chopinet, Eric Pierre Simon, Alexandre Boé, Thomas Vantroys, et al.. A Comparative Analysis of LoRa and LoRaWAN in the Presence of Jammers and Transient Interference. <i>2022 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe</i>, Sep 2022, Gothenburg, Sweden. pp.586-591, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/EMCEurope51680.2022.9901081⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04127533⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A Comparative Analysis of LoRa and LoRaWAN in the Presence of Jammers and Transient Interference"],
"authFullName_s":["Artur de Sao Jose","Nathan Chopinet","Eric Pierre Simon","Alexandre Boé","Thomas Vantroys","Christophe Gransart","Virginie Deniau"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2022</i>, Mar 2022, San Francisco, United States. pp.19-32, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-030-98015-3_2⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"François Bouchaud, Thomas Vantroys, A. Boé. Characterization of a Connected Object by Its Acoustic Signature. <i>Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2022</i>, Mar 2022, San Francisco, United States. pp.19-32, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-030-98015-3_2⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03608635⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Characterization of a Connected Object by Its Acoustic Signature"],
"authFullName_s":["François Bouchaud","Thomas Vantroys","A. Boé"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Sensors</i>, 2022, 22 (13), pp.5015. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.3390/s22135015⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Artur de São José, Virginie Deniau, Christophe Gransart, Thomas Vantroys, Alexandre Boé, et al.. Susceptibility of LoRa Communications to Intentional Electromagnetic Interference with Different Sweep Periods. <i>Sensors</i>, 2022, 22 (13), pp.5015. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.3390/s22135015⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03741634⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Susceptibility of LoRa Communications to Intentional Electromagnetic Interference with Different Sweep Periods"],
"authFullName_s":["Artur de São José","Virginie Deniau","Christophe Gransart","Thomas Vantroys","Alexandre Boé","Eric Pierre Simon"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>URSI GASS 2021, XXXIV General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI)</i>, Aug 2021, Rome, Italy. 4p",
"citationFull_s":"Virginie Deniau, Thomas Vantroys, Norbert Becuwe, Christophe Gransart, Artur Nogueira de Sao Jose, et al.. Analysis of the Susceptibility of the LoRa Communication Protocol in the Railway Electromagnetic Environment. <i>URSI GASS 2021, XXXIV General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI)</i>, Aug 2021, Rome, Italy. 4p. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03265936⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Analysis of the Susceptibility of the LoRa Communication Protocol in the Railway Electromagnetic Environment"],
"authFullName_s":["Virginie Deniau","Thomas Vantroys","Norbert Becuwe","Christophe Gransart","Artur Nogueira de Sao Jose","Alexandre Boé","Eric Pierre Simon","Olivier Vlamynck","Florent Valenti","Jonathan Villain","Quentin Rivette"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>XXXIVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS) 2021</i>, Aug 2021, Rome, Italy. pp.1-4, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.23919/URSIGASS51995.2021.9560235⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Artur Nogueira de São José, Eric Pierre Simon, Alexandre Boé, Thomas Vantroys, Christophe Gransart, et al.. A Methodology to Estimate the Signal-to-Interference Power Ratio for Intermittent Disturbances. <i>XXXIVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS) 2021</i>, Aug 2021, Rome, Italy. pp.1-4, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.23919/URSIGASS51995.2021.9560235⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04127526⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A Methodology to Estimate the Signal-to-Interference Power Ratio for Intermittent Disturbances"],
"authFullName_s":["Artur Nogueira de São José","Eric Pierre Simon","Alexandre Boé","Thomas Vantroys","Christophe Gransart","Virginie Deniau"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Sixth International Workshop on Internet of Things: Networking Applications and Technologies</i>, Jun 2020, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Étienne Helluy-Lafont, Alexandre Boé, Gilles Grimaud, Michaël Hauspie. Bluetooth devices fingerprinting using low cost SDR. <i>Sixth International Workshop on Internet of Things: Networking Applications and Technologies</i>, Jun 2020, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02498774⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Bluetooth devices fingerprinting using low cost SDR","Génération d'empreintes de périphériques Bluetooth à l'aide d'une radio logicielle à bas coûts"],
"authFullName_s":["Étienne Helluy-Lafont","Alexandre Boé","Gilles Grimaud","Michaël Hauspie"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering</i>, 2020, 234 (5), pp.577-595. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1177/0959651819870340⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Rihab Kouki, Alexandre Boé, Thomas Vantroys, Faouzi Bouani. Autonomous Internet of Things predictive control application based on wireless networked multi-agent topology and embedded operating system. <i>Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering</i>, 2020, 234 (5), pp.577-595. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1177/0959651819870340⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02544334⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Autonomous Internet of Things predictive control application based on wireless networked multi-agent topology and embedded operating system"],
"authFullName_s":["Rihab Kouki","Alexandre Boé","Thomas Vantroys","Faouzi Bouani"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>INTESA: INTelligent Embedded Systems Architectures and Applications</i>, Oct 2018, Turin, Italy. pp.7-12, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1145/3285017.3285025⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Nadir Cherifi, Alexandre Boé, Thomas Vantroys, Colombe Herault, Gilles Grimaud. A low-cost energy consumption measurement platform. <i>INTESA: INTelligent Embedded Systems Architectures and Applications</i>, Oct 2018, Turin, Italy. pp.7-12, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1145/3285017.3285025⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03134049⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A low-cost energy consumption measurement platform"],
"authFullName_s":["Nadir Cherifi","Alexandre Boé","Thomas Vantroys","Colombe Herault","Gilles Grimaud"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, MMS 2017</i>, Nov 2017, Marseille, France. paper 8-2, 5 p., <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/MMS.2017.8497154⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"R. Kouki, A. Boé, T. Vantroys, F. Bouani. IoT predictive application for DC motor control using radio frequency links. <i>Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, MMS 2017</i>, Nov 2017, Marseille, France. paper 8-2, 5 p., <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/MMS.2017.8497154⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03270093⟩</a>",
"title_s":["IoT predictive application for DC motor control using radio frequency links"],
"authFullName_s":["R. Kouki","A. Boé","T. Vantroys","F. Bouani"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>FiCloud 2017 : The 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud</i>, Aug 2017, Prague, Czech Republic",
"citationFull_s":"Nadir Cherifi, Thomas Vantroys, Alexandre Boé, Colombe Hérault, Gilles Grimaud. Automatic Inference of Energy Models for Peripheral Components in Embedded Systems. <i>FiCloud 2017 : The 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud</i>, Aug 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01599169⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Automatic Inference of Energy Models for Peripheral Components in Embedded Systems"],
"authFullName_s":["Nadir Cherifi","Thomas Vantroys","Alexandre Boé","Colombe Hérault","Gilles Grimaud"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>NTMS 2016 - 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security </i>, Nov 2016, Larnaca, Cyprus. pp.1 - 4, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/NTMS.2016.7792483⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Nadir Cherifi, Gilles Grimaud, Alexandre Boé, Thomas Vantroys. Toward Energy Profiling of Connected Embedded Systems. <i>NTMS 2016 - 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security </i>, Nov 2016, Larnaca, Cyprus. pp.1 - 4, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/NTMS.2016.7792483⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01599164⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Toward Energy Profiling of Connected Embedded Systems"],
"authFullName_s":["Nadir Cherifi","Gilles Grimaud","Alexandre Boé","Thomas Vantroys"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>17th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)</i>, Jun 2016, Coimbra, Portugal",
"citationFull_s":"Viktor Toldov, Román Igual-Pérez, Rahul Vyas, Alexandre Boé, Laurent Clavier, et al.. Experimental Evaluation of Interference Impact on the Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks. <i>17th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)</i>, Jun 2016, Coimbra, Portugal. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01289487⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Experimental Evaluation of Interference Impact on the Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks"],
"authFullName_s":["Viktor Toldov","Román Igual-Pérez","Rahul Vyas","Alexandre Boé","Laurent Clavier","Nathalie Mitton"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Materials Research Express</i>, 2016, 3 (1), pp.015002. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1088/2053-1591/3/1/015002⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"A. Pastre, O. Cristini-Robbe, L. Bois, F. Chassagneux, D Branzea, et al.. Zirconia coating for enhanced thermal stability of gold nanoparticles. <i>Materials Research Express</i>, 2016, 3 (1), pp.015002. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1088/2053-1591/3/1/015002⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02891929⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Zirconia coating for enhanced thermal stability of gold nanoparticles"],
"authFullName_s":["A. Pastre","O. Cristini-Robbe","L. Bois","F. Chassagneux","D Branzea","A. Boé","C. Kinowski","K. Raulin","N. Rolland","R. Bernard"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journal of Nanomaterials</i>, 2016, 2016, pp.3536153. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1155/2016/3536153⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Aymeric Pastre, Odile Cristini, Alexandre Boé, Katarzyna Raulin, Bertrand Grimbert, et al.. Porous Gold Films Fabricated by Wet-Chemistry Processes. <i>Journal of Nanomaterials</i>, 2016, 2016, pp.3536153. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1155/2016/3536153⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02898170⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Porous Gold Films Fabricated by Wet-Chemistry Processes"],
"authFullName_s":["Aymeric Pastre","Odile Cristini","Alexandre Boé","Katarzyna Raulin","Bertrand Grimbert","Fernand Chassagneux","Nathalie Rolland","Remy Bernard"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>FiCloud - International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud - 2015</i>, Helen Karatza; Beniamino Di Martino, Aug 2015, Rome, Italy. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/FiCloud.2015.90⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Nadir Cherifi, Gilles Grimaud, Thomas Vantroys, Alexandre Boé. Energy Consumption of Networked Embedded Systems. <i>FiCloud - International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud - 2015</i>, Helen Karatza; Beniamino Di Martino, Aug 2015, Rome, Italy. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/FiCloud.2015.90⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01193142⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Energy Consumption of Networked Embedded Systems"],
"authFullName_s":["Nadir Cherifi","Gilles Grimaud","Thomas Vantroys","Alexandre Boé"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>17èmes Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Micro-Nanoélectronique, JNRDM 2014</i>, 2014, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. 3 p",
"citationFull_s":"Aymeric Pastre, K. Raulin, Alexandre Boé, Nathalie Rolland, Odile Cristini, et al.. Contrôle de la porosité dans des films d'or pour des micro-supercondensateurs. <i>17èmes Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Micro-Nanoélectronique, JNRDM 2014</i>, 2014, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. 3 p. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01018420⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Contrôle de la porosité dans des films d'or pour des micro-supercondensateurs"],
"authFullName_s":["Aymeric Pastre","K. Raulin","Alexandre Boé","Nathalie Rolland","Odile Cristini","R. Bernard"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>17èmes Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Micro-Nanoélectronique, JNRDM 2014</i>, 2014, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. 4 p",
"citationFull_s":"Román Igual-Pérez, Alexandre Boé, Nathalie Rolland, Laurent Clavier. Experimentation and modeling of node energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. <i>17èmes Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Micro-Nanoélectronique, JNRDM 2014</i>, 2014, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. 4 p. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01018401⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Experimentation and modeling of node energy consumption in wireless sensor networks"],
"authFullName_s":["Román Igual-Pérez","Alexandre Boé","Nathalie Rolland","Laurent Clavier"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>L'énergie demain. Transition énergétique : recherches et ingénierie</i>, May 2013, Paris, France. 2013",
"citationFull_s":"Laurent Clavier, Viktor Toldov, Román Igual, Nathalie Rolland, Rédha Kassi, et al.. Everlasting sensor networks. <i>L'énergie demain. Transition énergétique : recherches et ingénierie</i>, May 2013, Paris, France. 2013. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00958130⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Everlasting sensor networks"],
"authFullName_s":["Laurent Clavier","Viktor Toldov","Román Igual","Nathalie Rolland","Rédha Kassi","Christophe Lethien","Christophe Loyez","Alexandre Boé","Nathalie Mitton","Thomas Vantroys"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, E-MRS Spring 2013, Symposium O - Synthesis, processing and characterization of nanoscale multi functional oxide films IV</i>, May 2013, Strasbourg, France",
"citationFull_s":"Di Zhou, A. Boé, Yannick Lambert, D. Stievenard, O. Cristini-Robbe, et al.. Low-cost sol-gel synthesis of Al-doped ZnO films : influence of operating parameters. <i>European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, E-MRS Spring 2013, Symposium O - Synthesis, processing and characterization of nanoscale multi functional oxide films IV</i>, May 2013, Strasbourg, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00819696⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Low-cost sol-gel synthesis of Al-doped ZnO films : influence of operating parameters"],
"authFullName_s":["Di Zhou","A. Boé","Yannick Lambert","D. Stievenard","O. Cristini-Robbe","R. Bernard","R. Katarzyna","S. Turrell"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>3èmes Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage d'Energie pour l'Alimentation des Microsystèmes Autonomes, JNRSE 2013</i>, 2013, Toulouse, France. 2 p",
"citationFull_s":"A. Pastre, K. Raulin, O. Cristini, R. Bernard, A. Boé, et al.. Sol-gel deposited porous silica for embedded micro-supercapacitors. <i>3èmes Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage d'Energie pour l'Alimentation des Microsystèmes Autonomes, JNRSE 2013</i>, 2013, Toulouse, France. 2 p. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00878382⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Sol-gel deposited porous silica for embedded micro-supercapacitors"],
"authFullName_s":["A. Pastre","K. Raulin","O. Cristini","R. Bernard","A. Boé","H. El Hamzaoui","M. Bouazaoui","N. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>XIV International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials, IIB 2013</i>, 2013, Halkidiki, Greece",
"citationFull_s":"Frédéric Mompiou, Marc Legros, A. Boé, M. Coulombier, J.P. Raskin, et al.. Exploring grain boundary response to a mechanical stress in small grained metals by in-situ transmission electron microscopy. <i>XIV International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials, IIB 2013</i>, 2013, Halkidiki, Greece. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00878474⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Exploring grain boundary response to a mechanical stress in small grained metals by in-situ transmission electron microscopy"],
"authFullName_s":["Frédéric Mompiou","Marc Legros","A. Boé","M. Coulombier","J.P. Raskin","T. Pardoen","J. Sharon","K. Hemker"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Acta Materialia</i>, 2013, 61, pp.205-216. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.actamat.2012.09.051⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Frédéric Mompiou, Marc Legros, A. Boé, M. Coulombier, J.P. Raskin, et al.. Inter- and intragranular plasticity mechanisms in ultrafine-grained Al thin films : an in situ TEM study. <i>Acta Materialia</i>, 2013, 61, pp.205-216. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.actamat.2012.09.051⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00795948⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Inter- and intragranular plasticity mechanisms in ultrafine-grained Al thin films : an in situ TEM study"],
"authFullName_s":["Frédéric Mompiou","Marc Legros","A. Boé","M. Coulombier","J.P. Raskin","T. Pardoen"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journal of Molecular Structure</i>, 2013, 1050, pp.232 - 237. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.molstruc.2013.06.063⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"O. Cristini-Robbe, K. Raulin, F. Dubart, R. Bernard, C. Kinowski, et al.. Porous silica supports for micro-Raman spectroscopic studies of individual living cells. <i>Journal of Molecular Structure</i>, 2013, 1050, pp.232 - 237. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.molstruc.2013.06.063⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00861263⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Porous silica supports for micro-Raman spectroscopic studies of individual living cells"],
"authFullName_s":["O. Cristini-Robbe","K. Raulin","F. Dubart","R. Bernard","C. Kinowski","N. Damene","I. El Yasidi","A. Boé","S. Turrell"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Cell Death and Disease</i>, 2013, 4, pp.e944. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1038/cddis.2013.473⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"B. Chirullo, R. Sgarbanti, D. Limongi, I. L. Shytaj, D. Alvarez, et al.. A candidate anti-HIV reservoir compound, auranofin, exerts a selective 'anti-memory' effect by exploiting the baseline oxidative status of lymphocytes.. <i>Cell Death and Disease</i>, 2013, 4, pp.e944. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1038/cddis.2013.473⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨pasteur-01049476⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A candidate anti-HIV reservoir compound, auranofin, exerts a selective 'anti-memory' effect by exploiting the baseline oxidative status of lymphocytes."],
"authFullName_s":["B. Chirullo","R. Sgarbanti","D. Limongi","I. L. Shytaj","D. Alvarez","B. Das","A. Boé","S. Dafonseca","N. Chomont","L. Liotta","E Iii Petricoin","S. Norelli","E. Pelosi","E. Garaci","A. Savarino","A. T. Palamara"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ICORS-International Congress on Raman Spectroscopy</i>, Aug 2012, Bangalore, India",
"citationFull_s":"S. Turrell, C. Kinowski, K. Raulin, R. Bernard, D. Stievenard, et al.. Structure and functionality: Raman spectroscopic assessment of colloid-based nanostructured materials. <i>ICORS-International Congress on Raman Spectroscopy</i>, Aug 2012, Bangalore, India. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00744456⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Structure and functionality: Raman spectroscopic assessment of colloid-based nanostructured materials"],
"authFullName_s":["S. Turrell","C. Kinowski","K. Raulin","R. Bernard","D. Stievenard","B. Capoen","A. Boé","Di Zhou","Odile Cristini","V.T.T. Tran"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Scripta Materialia</i>, 2010, 62, pp.742-745. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.01.048⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"M. Coulombier, A. Boé, C. Brugger, J.P. Raskin, T. Pardoen. Imperfection-sensitive ductility of aluminium thin films. <i>Scripta Materialia</i>, 2010, 62, pp.742-745. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.01.048⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00548611⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Imperfection-sensitive ductility of aluminium thin films"],
"authFullName_s":["M. Coulombier","A. Boé","C. Brugger","J.P. Raskin","T. Pardoen"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Smart Materials and Structures</i>, 2009, 18 (11), pp.115018",
"citationFull_s":"A. Boé, A Safi, M Coulombier, D. Fabregue, T Pardoen, et al.. MEMS-based microstructures for nanomechanical characterization of thin films. <i>Smart Materials and Structures</i>, 2009, 18 (11), pp.115018. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01558952⟩</a>",
"title_s":["MEMS-based microstructures for nanomechanical characterization of thin films"],
"authFullName_s":["A. Boé","A Safi","M Coulombier","D. Fabregue","T Pardoen","Jp Raskin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems</i>, 2009, 18 (3), pp.555-569. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/jmems.2009.2020380⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"S. Gravier, M. Coulombier, A. Safi, N. Andre, A. Boé, et al.. New On-Chip Nanomechanical Testing Laboratory - Applications to Aluminum and Polysilicon Thin Films. <i>Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems</i>, 2009, 18 (3), pp.555-569. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/jmems.2009.2020380⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00434234⟩</a>",
"title_s":["New On-Chip Nanomechanical Testing Laboratory - Applications to Aluminum and Polysilicon Thin Films"],
"authFullName_s":["S. Gravier","M. Coulombier","A. Safi","N. Andre","A. Boé","T. Pardoen"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>15èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007</i>, 2007, France. pp.7B3-1-4",
"citationFull_s":"A. Boé, M. Fryziel, E. Herth, L. Le Garrec, N. Rolland, et al.. Conception et réalisation de commutateurs MEMS RF pour antennes à faisceaux agiles. <i>15èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007</i>, 2007, France. pp.7B3-1-4. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00370310⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Conception et réalisation de commutateurs MEMS RF pour antennes à faisceaux agiles"],
"authFullName_s":["A. Boé","M. Fryziel","E. Herth","L. Le Garrec","N. Rolland","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>2007 European Conference on Wireless Technologies, ECWT 2007</i>, 2007, Germany. pp.280-283, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/ECWT.2007.4404001⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"N. Deparis, A. Boé, Christophe Loyez, N. Rolland, P.A. Rolland. 60-GHz UWB-IR transceiver with pulsed-injected locked oscillator. <i>2007 European Conference on Wireless Technologies, ECWT 2007</i>, 2007, Germany. pp.280-283, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/ECWT.2007.4404001⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00284057⟩</a>",
"title_s":["60-GHz UWB-IR transceiver with pulsed-injected locked oscillator"],
"authFullName_s":["N. Deparis","A. Boé","Christophe Loyez","N. Rolland","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>15èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007</i>, 2007, France. pp.7C2-1-3",
"citationFull_s":"N. Deparis, A. Boé, Christophe Loyez, N. Rolland, P.A. Rolland. Module radio millimétrique utilisant la synchronisation d'une source 30 GHz par des trains d'impulsions ULB en bande de base. <i>15èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007</i>, 2007, France. pp.7C2-1-3. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00370307⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Module radio millimétrique utilisant la synchronisation d'une source 30 GHz par des trains d'impulsions ULB en bande de base"],
"authFullName_s":["N. Deparis","A. Boé","Christophe Loyez","N. Rolland","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"2006, pp.310-313",
"citationFull_s":"A. Boé, M. Fryziel, N. Deparis, Christophe Loyez, N. Rolland, et al.. Smart antenna based on RF MEMS switches and printed Yagi-Uda antennas for 6O GHz ad hoc WPAN. 2006, pp.310-313. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00147514⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Smart antenna based on RF MEMS switches and printed Yagi-Uda antennas for 6O GHz ad hoc WPAN"],
"authFullName_s":["A. Boé","M. Fryziel","N. Deparis","Christophe Loyez","N. Rolland","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"2006, 6 pp",
"citationFull_s":"H. El Ghannudi, Laurent Clavier, A. Bendjaballah, A. Boé, P.A. Rolland. Performance of IR-UWB at 60 GHz for ad hoc networks with directive antennas. 2006, 6 pp. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00147517⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Performance of IR-UWB at 60 GHz for ad hoc networks with directive antennas"],
"authFullName_s":["H. El Ghannudi","Laurent Clavier","A. Bendjaballah","A. Boé","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationFull_s":"A. Boé. Conception et réalisation de commutateurs MEMS millimétriques pour antennes intelligentes. 2006. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00138924⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Conception et réalisation de commutateurs MEMS millimétriques pour antennes intelligentes"],
"authFullName_s":["A. Boé"],
"citationRef_s":"2006, pp.4785-4789",
"citationFull_s":"N. Deparis, A. Boé, Christophe Loyez, N. Rolland, P.A. Rolland. UWB-IR transceiver for millimeter wave WLAN. 2006, pp.4785-4789. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00152957⟩</a>",
"title_s":["UWB-IR transceiver for millimeter wave WLAN"],
"authFullName_s":["N. Deparis","A. Boé","Christophe Loyez","N. Rolland","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"2006, 4 pp",
"citationFull_s":"N. Deparis, A. Boé, Christophe Loyez, N. Rolland, P.A. Rolland. Receiver and synchronization for UWB impulse radio signals. 2006, 4 pp. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00126827⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Receiver and synchronization for UWB impulse radio signals"],
"authFullName_s":["N. Deparis","A. Boé","Christophe Loyez","N. Rolland","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>9th European Conference on Wireless Technology</i>, 2006, United Kingdom. pp.111-114, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/ECWT.2006.280447⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"N. Deparis, A. Boé, Christophe Loyez, N. Rolland, P.A. Rolland. A combined ASK-PPM time hopping UWB transceiver for millimetre wave gigabit WLAN. <i>9th European Conference on Wireless Technology</i>, 2006, United Kingdom. pp.111-114, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/ECWT.2006.280447⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00241351⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A combined ASK-PPM time hopping UWB transceiver for millimetre wave gigabit WLAN"],
"authFullName_s":["N. Deparis","A. Boé","Christophe Loyez","N. Rolland","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Actes des 14èmes Journées Nationales Microondes</i>, 2005, Nantes, France",
"citationFull_s":"Christophe Loyez, N. Deparis, M. Fryziel, A. Boé, N. Rolland, et al.. Architecture haut débit d'un système RF 60-GHz basée sur l'annulation de bruit de phase des oscillateurs locaux. <i>Actes des 14èmes Journées Nationales Microondes</i>, 2005, Nantes, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00126729⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Architecture haut débit d'un système RF 60-GHz basée sur l'annulation de bruit de phase des oscillateurs locaux"],
"authFullName_s":["Christophe Loyez","N. Deparis","M. Fryziel","A. Boé","N. Rolland","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Actes des 14èmes Journées Nationales Microondes</i>, 2005, Nantes, France",
"citationFull_s":"N. Deparis, A. Bendjabballah, A. Boé, M. Fryziel, Christophe Loyez, et al.. Transposition de signaux impulsionnels ULB à 60 GHz pour applications réseaux sans fil haut débit. <i>Actes des 14èmes Journées Nationales Microondes</i>, 2005, Nantes, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00126741⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Transposition de signaux impulsionnels ULB à 60 GHz pour applications réseaux sans fil haut débit"],
"authFullName_s":["N. Deparis","A. Bendjabballah","A. Boé","M. Fryziel","Christophe Loyez","N. Rolland","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters</i>, 2005, 15, pp.609-611",
"citationFull_s":"N. Deparis, A. Bendjabballah, A. Boé, M. Fryziel, Christophe Loyez, et al.. Transposition of a baseband UWB signal at 60 GHz for high data rate indoor WLAN. <i>IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters</i>, 2005, 15, pp.609-611. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00125332⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Transposition of a baseband UWB signal at 60 GHz for high data rate indoor WLAN"],
"authFullName_s":["N. Deparis","A. Bendjabballah","A. Boé","M. Fryziel","Christophe Loyez","Laurent Clavier","Nathalie Rolland","Paul-Alain Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Actes des 14èmes Journées Nationales Microondes</i>, 2005, Nantes, France",
"citationFull_s":"A. Boé, M. Fryziel, N. Deparis, Christophe Loyez, N. Rolland, et al.. Micro-commutateurs MEMS série sur arséniure de gallium avec encapsulation pour antennes intelligentes pour réseau d'objets mobiles communicants à 60 GHz. <i>Actes des 14èmes Journées Nationales Microondes</i>, 2005, Nantes, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00126743⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Micro-commutateurs MEMS série sur arséniure de gallium avec encapsulation pour antennes intelligentes pour réseau d'objets mobiles communicants à 60 GHz"],
"authFullName_s":["A. Boé","M. Fryziel","N. Deparis","Christophe Loyez","N. Rolland","H. Toshiyoshi","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"2004, pp.B1-B6",
"citationFull_s":"M. Fryziel, A. Boé, C. Vanoverschelde, N. Rolland, P. Muller, et al.. New H-shape RF microswitch design for microwave and millimeter-wave applications. 2004, pp.B1-B6. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00142281⟩</a>",
"title_s":["New H-shape RF microswitch design for microwave and millimeter-wave applications"],
"authFullName_s":["M. Fryziel","A. Boé","C. Vanoverschelde","N. Rolland","P. Muller","L. Buchaillot","P. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Microwave and Optical Technology Letters</i>, 2004, 42, pp.268-272",
"citationFull_s":"Christophe Loyez, M. Fryziel, A. Boé, N. Rolland, P.A. Rolland. Cancellation of local oscillator phase noise in 60 GHz high data rate wireless systems. <i>Microwave and Optical Technology Letters</i>, 2004, 42, pp.268-272. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00133923⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Cancellation of local oscillator phase noise in 60 GHz high data rate wireless systems"],
"authFullName_s":["Christophe Loyez","M. Fryziel","A. Boé","N. Rolland","P.A. Rolland"],
"citationRef_s":"2004, pp.249-252",
"citationFull_s":"Christophe Loyez, M. Fryziel, A. Boé, N. Rolland, P. Rolland. A simple high data rate architecture for multiple access WLAN 60GHz transciver based on a LO phase noise cancellation technique. 2004, pp.249-252. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00142279⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A simple high data rate architecture for multiple access WLAN 60GHz transciver based on a LO phase noise cancellation technique"],
"authFullName_s":["Christophe Loyez","M. Fryziel","A. Boé","N. Rolland","P. Rolland"],