Albert Doja
Institutional leadership
2020– Member of the National Council of French Universities (section anthropology).
2014– Member of the Council of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, University of Lille.
2014–2015 Program design of a new Research Master (M2): Anthropology of global transformations and regional implications, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Lille.
2012–2014 Subject Leader, Anthropology Section, Undergraduate Programme, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Lille.
2011–2012 Project Leader for updating and improving study programmes in social anthropology, Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Lille.
2007–2011 Statutory member of the Board of Directors of doctoral studies and academic qualifications; Design and implementation of Research Master and PhD programs in social sciences; Director of graduate program in sociology & anthropology, European University of Tirana.
2006–2009 Head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences; Dean of Graduate Programs, State University of New York, Tirana Campus. Participating to the coordination and development of academic and research programs within an inter-institutional and interregional network including Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Czech Republic and Switzerland, under the flagship of the State University of New York.
2006–2008 Founding Deputy Rector (UNDP temporary assignment), University of Durres, Albania, in charge of university institutional building, research and teaching programming, admissions enhancement, curriculum development, program design, academic strategy, staff recruitment, people management, out-reach activities and other management responsibilities, including decision-making processes for the effective planning, implementation, management, monitoring and optimization of the long-term academic strategy.
2002–2007 Establishment and management of a Research Scholarship in European Studies (Cultural Identities), College of Humanities, University of Limerick, Ireland.
2000–2001 Coordination of the Weekly Doctoral Seminars of Works-in-Progress, School of Comparative & Applied Social Sciences, University of Hull, U.K.
1997–1998 Research Project Manager, Paris IGS Business School, in charge of design and implementation of a comprehensive range of multimedia educational equipment and systems for teaching cultural factors of management in business studies.
1993 Research Project Leader, French National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations, Funded by the European Commission (no. ERB 3510 PL 920816).
1991–1992 Acquisition Librarian in ethnology and anthropology, National Library of France, in charge of the prospection and development of new open access collections of monographs and serials relating to anthropological and ethnological literature.
1985–1990 Research team leader, Institute of Popular Culture, National Academy of Sciences, in charge of organization and supervision of fieldwork research missions, academic collection and publication of ethnographic data.
Membership to scientific societies and other major collaborations
- Member, National Academy of Sciences of Albania, First Chair-holder of Anthropology, since 2008.
- Visiting Scholar, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, 2017-2018.
- Honorary Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University College London, 2004-2011.
- Executive Committee Member (French national committee), Association Internationale des Études Sud-Est Européennes (AIESEE).
- Executive Committee Member, Anthropological Association of Ireland, 2002-2004.
- Memberships of many national, regional and international scientific societies, including European Association of Social Anthropologists, Association for the Study of Nationalities, International Association for Southeast European Anthropology, American Anthropological Association, Anthropological Association of Ireland, French Association of Anthropologists, etc.
- Major collaborations in association with many French, American, Irish, British, and Albanian research units, including Lille Centre for Sociological and Economic Research, Harvard Center for European Studies, Limerick Centre for European Studies, Hull Movement and Identity Research Group, LSE European Institute, Lévi-Strauss Laboratory of Social Anthropology, Albanian Institute of International Studies, etc.
Commissions of trust and indicators of esteem
- Temporary assignment posted to the United Nations Development Program (Brain Gain Initiative), Founding Deputy Rector of the University of Durres, Albania, 2006-2008.
- Board of Trustees Member, Albanian Institute of International Studies, since 2002.
- Appointed Member of Expert Panel G&M4: Social, Political and Communication Sciences, Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium, since 2009.
- Board of Experts Member, European Commission, Framework Programmes 6th, 7th, Horizon 2020.
- Expert Committee Member, French National Research Agency (ANR), since 2014.
- Refereed review commissions, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2010-2011.
- Refereed evaluations, Aarhus University Institute of Advanced Studies, 2018.
- Refereed review commissions, Latvian Council of Science of the Republic of Latvia, since 2018.
- Editorial Board Member: Ethnologia Balkanica. The Journal for Southeast European Anthropology (since 2000). (http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/zeitschriften/id=343).
- Editorial Board Member, Sage Open, since 2014.
- Editorial Board Member, Cogent Social Sciences, since 2017.
- Editor-in-Chief, Polis: Albanian Journal of Social & Political Science, 2008-2010.
- Editor-in-Chief, Albanian Institute for International Relations Series, 2002-2006.
- Refereed reviewer for Theory, Culture & Society; Anthropological Theory; International Sociology; Social Anthropology; Anthropology Today; Sociological Inquiry; Crime, Law & Social Change; Violence and Victims; Ethnologia Balkanica; Anthropology Notebooks; National Identities; Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review; Religion State & Society; Journal of Family & Marriage; History of the Family; Nouvelles Perspectives en Sciences Sociales; Géographie Économie Société; Südosteuropa; Polis; etc.
- Relevant publications reprinted in reference collections (Contemporary Literary Criticism) or translated into other European or Asian languages, including from French to English, from English to French, to Albanian, to Italian, to Estonian, to Turkish, to Vietnamese, etc.
- Invited Lectures to France, Albania, England, Ireland, United-States, Canada, South Korea, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italia, Switzerland, Hungary, Poland, Greece, Turkey, Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia, etc.
- Invited by the Albanian Excellence Initiative in the centenary of the Proclamation of Independence of Albania, celebrated 28 November 2012, to contribute to a memorial collection of interviews with one hundred scholars considered to represent today academic excellence.
- Commissions, Academic Reputation Survey, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, Thomson Reuters Global Institutional Profiles Project, 2014, and Elsevier, 2017.
- Legal expert and interpreter, Court of Appeal, Paris, 1995-1999.