Laurent Madelain
My researchgate page
- ANR 2021 - ACES : Our project on the biological constrains on learning has been funded.
- ANR 2021 - Vision 3E : Our project on active vision with Anna Montagnini (INT Marseille) has been funded.
- 2021 - Bourse de thèse : Raphaelle Radenne a obtenue une allocation de recherche. Son sujet de thèse porte sur le contrôle discriminatif du système oculomoteur. // Raphaelle Radenne obtained a PhD grant to study the discriminative control of the oculomotor system.
- ANR 2017 - Prise3D : Our project on the psychophysics of noise perception in computer generated images with Samuel Delepoulle (LISIC) has been funded.
- Cecile Vullings obtained a Fulbright grant for a post doc at the Smith-Kettlewell Research Institute-Kettlewell Research Institute
- Cofecub-USP 2016 : Our project on "Attention, Sign-tracking and Eye Movements" in collaboration with Gerson Tomanari (USP, Br.) has been funded
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie 2015 : The PACE Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
- ANR Apprentissage 2014 : Le projet REM (reinforcement and eye movements) est sélectionné. // ANR grant 2014: Our project on "reinforcement and eye movements" has been funded
- ANR Blanc 2013 : Le projet SPEED (Speed processing in natural visual scenes) est sélectionné. // ANR grant 2013: Our project on "speed processing in natural visual scenes" has been funded
- Obtention d'une délégation CNRS à l'Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone à Marseille (2011-2014) // 2011-2014 Sabbatical at the Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone CNRS in Marseille
- HDR en Octobre 2011
- ANR Jeunes chercheurs 2009 : Le projet VARAD (Variabilité sensorimotrice et adaptation) est sélectionné. // ANR grant 2009: Our project on "variability and adaptation" has been funded
- NIH grant obtenue avec Josh Wallman pour un projet sur le rôle du renforcement dans l'adaptation saccadique // with Josh Wallman, a project concerning the role of reinforcement learning in saccade adaptation in humans is funded by NIH
- Bourse de thèse : Céline Paeye a obtenue une allocation de recherche. Son sujet de thèse porte sur la variabilité et l'apprentissage pour le système oculomoteur. // Céline Paeye obtained a PhD grant to study variability and learning in the oculomotor system.
- Obtention d'une bourse de recherche Fulbright pour un séjour dans le laboratoire de Josh Wallman, CUNY, NY : du 15 Janvier au premier Septembre 2008. // I obtained a Fulbright research grant to work with Josh Wallman, CUNY, NY (15th January to 1st Septembre 2008).
Thèmes de recherche // Research topics
Saccade and smooth pursuit are the eye movements used by primates to shift gaze. I propose that these responses are operant behaviours controlled by their consequences on visually guided tasks. Studying the conditions under which particular eye movement patterns might emerge from the cumulative effects of reinforcement provides critical insights about how motor responses are attuned to environmental exigencies.
Renforcement, Motricité oculaire volontaire, Apprentissage moteur, Temps de réaction // Reinforcement, Oculomotor control, Motor learning, Reaction time Voir cette page // See this page.
Publications récentes // Recent publications
- Vencato & Madelain. Scientific Reports 2020 (Paper) Perception of saccadic reaction time
- Vidal, Desantis & Madelain. Plos One 2020 (Paper) Irrelevant auditory and tactile signals, but not visual signals, interact with the target onset and modulate saccade latencies
- Lopez-Moliner, Vullings, Madelain & van Beers. Scientific Reports 2019 (Paper) Prediction and final temporal errors are used for trial-to-trial motor corrections
- Rahmouni & Madelain. Vision Research 2019 (Paper) Inter-individual variability and consistency of saccade adaptation in oblique saccades: Amplitude increase and decrease in the horizontal or vertical saccade component
- Vullings, Harwood & Madelain. Journal of Vision 2019 (Paper) Reinforcement reduces the size–latency phenomenon: A cost–benefit evaluation of saccade triggering
- Vullings & Madelain. Journal of Vision 2019 (Paper) Discriminative control of saccade latencies
- Damasse, Perrinet, Madelain & Montagnini. Journal of Vision 2018 (Paper) Reinforcement effects in anticipatory smooth eye movements
- Vullings & Madelain. Journal of Neurophysiology 2018 (Paper) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain vullings_madelain_2018.pdf>Control of saccadic latency in a dynamic environment: allocation of saccades in time follows the matching law
- Landelle, Montagnini, Madelain & Danion. Journal of Neurophysiology 2016 (Paper) Eye tracking a self-moved target with complex hand-target dynamics
- Vullings & Madelain. Vision Sciences Society 2016 (Poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain vullings_madelain_vss_2016.pdf>Saccadic latency and choice in a concurrent random interval reinforcement schedule
- Vencato & Madelain. Vision Sciences Society 2016 (Poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain vencato_madelain_vss_2016.pdf>Perception of saccadic reaction time in humans
- Rahmouni, Jozefowiez & Madelain. SQAB, 2016 (Poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain rahmouni_jozefowiez_madelain_sqab_2016.pdf>Fragility of discriminative control in oculomotor learning
- Delplancke, Madelain & Coello. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 (Paper) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain deleplancke_madelain_coello_2016.pdf>Differential effects of forward and backward masks on the relationship between perception and action
- Madelain, Jozefowiez & Rahmouni VSS 2015 (Poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain poster_madelain_vss_2015.pdf>Differential saccadic adaptation controlled by target shape and/or color
- Rahmouni & Madelain. VSS 2015 (Poster)<link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain poster_rahmouni_vss_2015.pdf> Inter-individual variability in saccadic adaptation
- Paeye & Madelain. Journal of Vision, 2014 (Paper) Reinforcing saccadic amplitude variability in a visual search task
- Madelain, VSS, 2014 (Poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain lmposter_vss2014.pdf>Saccadic reaction time distributions follow the matching law in a concurrent variable interval reinforcement schedule
- Montagnini, Masson & Madelain, VSS, 2014 (Poster) Contrast-dependent motion processing : insight from ocular tracking dynamics
- Madelain, Herman & Harwood. Journal of Vision, 2013 (Paper) Saccade adaptation goes for the goal
- Deplancke, Madelain, Gorea & Coello, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2013 (Paper) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain deplancke_et_al_2013.pdf>Perception-action dissociations depend on the luminance contrast of the stimuli
- Herman, Blangero, Madelain, Khan & Harwood. Experimental Eye Research, 2013 (Paper) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain herman_ab_lm_ak_mrh_2013.pdf>Saccade Adaptation as a Model of Flexible and General Motor Learning
- Madelain, Montagnini & Masson. VSS 2013 (Poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain lmposter_vss2013.pdf>Transient contrast-induced perceived-velocity perturbations and smooth pursuit: tracking the footstep illusion
- Madelain SQAB 2013 (Poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain lmposter_sqab2013.pdf>Matching saccade latencies in a concurrent VI-VI schedule
- Madelain & Paeye, ABAI 2013 (Talk) Operant variability in saccades
- Madelain, Montagnini & Masson. Tracking the footsteps illusion: Effects of transient contrast-induced perceived-velocity perturbations on smooth pursuit, Poster SFN 2012
- Madelain & Montagnini, VSS, 2012 (Poster) Saccadic adaptation induced by perceptual goal
- Madelain, Paeye & Wallman, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2011 (Paper) Modification of saccadic gain by reinforcement
- Madelain & Paeye, SQAB 2011 (Poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain poster_sqab2011_a4.pdf>Reinforcement of saccadic peak velocities
- Madelain, Paeye & Darcheville, Behavioural processes, 2011 (Paper) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain madelain_et_al_2011.pdf _blank> Operant control of human eye movements
- Paeye & Madelain, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 2011 (Paper) Reinforcing saccadic amplitude variability
- Madelain, Harwood, Herman & Wallman, Journal of Vision, 2010 (Paper) Saccade adaptation is unhampered by distractors
- Deplancke, Madelain, Chauvin, Cardoso-Leite, Gorea & Coello, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2010 (Paper) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain deplancke_et_al_2010.pdf _blank>Influence of Near Threshold Visual Distractors on Perceptual Detection and Reaching Movements
- Madelain, Paeye & Wallman, PMC 2009 (poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain pmc2009_madelain_et_al.pdf>Modification of saccadic gain by reinforcement
- Paeye, Rahmouni & Madelain, PMC 2009 (poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain pmc2009_paeye_et_al.pdf>Reinforcement of variability in saccadic amplitude
- Madelain, Paeye & Wallman, VSS 2008 (poster) Saccadic adaptation: Reinforcement can drive motor adaptation
- Harwood, Madelain, Krauzlis & Wallman, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2008 (paper) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain harwood_madelain_krauzlis_wallman_2008.pdf>The spatial scale of attention strongly modulates saccade latencies
- Madelain, Champrenaut & Chauvin, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2007 (paper) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain madelain_champrenaut_and_chauvin_jon_2007.pdf>Control of sensorimotor variability by consequences
- Madelain, Champrenaut & Chauvin, ECVP 2007 (talk) Control of reaction time variability by consequences
- Paeye, Darcheville, Madelain, ECVP 2007 (poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain ecvp-2007.pdf>Shaping induces long term enhancements in pursuit-like smooth movements
- Madelain, Champrenaut & Chauvin, VSS 2007 (poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain vss2007_madelain_et_al.pdf>Control of sensorimotor variability
- Madelain, Krauzlis & Wallman, Vision Research 2005 (paper) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain madelain_krauzlis_wallman_vr_2005.pdf _blank>Spatial deployment of attention influences both saccadic and pursuit tracking
- Wallman, Madelain & Krauzlis, VSS 2005 (poster) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain vss2005_wallman_et_al.pdf _blank>Can saccades be selected by separate foci of attention in the two hemispheres ?
- Madelain, Harwood, Krauzlis & Wallman, VSS 2004 (abstracts and posters) <link typo3 madelain scale_of_attention.htm _self>Spatial scale of attention influences saccade latency
- Madelain & Krauzlis, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2003 (paper) <link typo3 images pages_perso laurent_madelain madelain_and_krauzlis_jon_2003.pdf _self>Effects of Learning on Smooth Pursuit During Transient Disappearance of a Visual Target
- Madelain & Krauzlis, Journal of vision, 2003 (paper) Pursuit of the ineffable: perceptual and motor reversals during the tracking of apparent motion
Activités professionnelles // Employment
- Depuis le 1er septembre 2011 : Délégation CNRS auprès de l'Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone à Marseille.
- Depuis 2002 : Maître de conférences en psychologie, U.F.R. de Psychologie, Université de Lille III.
- 2000-2002 : stage post-doctoral au Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, USA dans le laboratoire du Professeur Richard Krauzlis.
- Sep. 1997 à Août 2000 : Attaché temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche, U.F.R. de Psychologie, Université de Lille III. Sep. 1995 à Août 1997 : Allocataire de Recherche, U.F.R. de Psychologie, Université de Lille III.
Formation // Education
- 2011 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Lille III. « Contrôle opérant de la motricité oculaire chez l’humain »
- 2000-2002 : stage post-doctoral au Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, USA dans le laboratoire du Professeur Richard Krauzlis.
- 2000 : Doctorat de Psychologie sur l’apprentissage de la poursuite lisse chez l’enfant à l’université de Lille III. Mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury.
- 1995 : DEA de psychologie cognitive à l’université de Lille III.
Laurent Madelain
Laboratoire SCALab - UMR9193
Université Lille III
Domaine universitaire du Pont de Bois
BP 149
59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
tél. : (+33)(0)3-20-41-63-71
fax. : (+33)(0)3-20-41-60-36
laurent.madelain.fr univ-lille3