Widad Mustafa
Widad Mustafa El Hadi is Professor of Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Lille, where she is in charge of International Relations and of the Master Diploma program. She is a member of the Geriico research laboratory. Her main areas of interest are: theoretical approaches to knowledge organization; language & culture and their impact on knowledge organization; knowledge organization systems and their evaluation; cross-language and cross-cultural information retrieval and more recently Digital Humanities and ethics in knowledge organization. She has been active in ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization) since 1996 as co-founder with Jacques Maniez of the French ISKO Chapter and as the first elected ISKO-France president (1996-2001). She organized the Fifth and Eight International ISKO Conferences in Lille (1998 and 2011). She publishes regularly on knowledge organization, digital cultures & digital humanities. She supervised several doctoral theses in terminology and library and information science; information literacy; archiving and knowledge organization systems.