Scientific interests

I have broad interests in computer science, mostly in computing systems.

My research inte­rests range his­to­ri­cally from paral­le­lism (data paral­le­lism, auto­ma­tic paral­le­li­za­tion), inten­sive com­pu­ting, dis­tri­bu­ted sys­tems, soft­ware engi­nee­ring (func­tio­nal lan­gua­ges, model dri­ven engi­nee­ring, models of com­pu­ta­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions), embed­ded sys­tem design (real-time sys­tems, sys­tems-on-chip, net­works-on-chip) to neuromorphic com­pu­ting sys­tems.

Concerning teaching, I teach or have taught courses ranging from theoretical computer science (formal logic, language theory),  programming languages (functional languages, compiler construction, parallelism, synchronous languages), computing systems (distributed systems, embedded systems, networking, computer architecture), to scientific communication.