Celine Gheeraert
Article dans une revue scientifique
Mogilenko, Denis
Haas, Joel
L’homme, Laurent
Fleury, Sébastien
Quemener, Sandrine
Levavasseur, Matthieu
Becquart, Coralie
Wartelle, Julien
Bogomolova, Alexandra
Pineau, Laurent
Molendi-Coste, Olivier
Lancel, Steve
Dehondt, Hélène
Gheeraert, Celine
Melchior, Aurelie
Dewas, Cédric
Nikitin, Artemii
Pic, Samuel
Rabhi, Nabil
Annicotte, Jean-Sébastien
Oyadomari, Seiichi
Velasco-Hernandez, Talia
Cammenga, Jörg
Foretz, Marc
Viollet, Benoit
Vukovic, Milica
Villacreces, Arnaud
Kranc, Kamil
Carmeliet, Peter
Marot, Guillemette
Boulter, Alexis
Tavernier, Simon
Berod, Luciana
Longhi, Maria
Paget, Christophe
Janssens, Sophie
Staumont-Sallé, Delphine
Aksoy, Ezra
Staels, Bart
Dombrowicz, David
Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR
Cell, Elsevier, 2019 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.06.017
Mogilenko, Denis
Haas, Joel
L’homme, Laurent
Fleury, Sébastien
Quemener, Sandrine
Levavasseur, Matthieu
Becquart, Coralie
Wartelle, Julien
Bogomolova, Alexandra
Pineau, Laurent
Molendi-Coste, Olivier
Lancel, Steve
Dehondt, Hélène
Gheeraert, Celine
Melchior, Aurelie
Dewas, Cédric
Nikitin, Artemii
Pic, Samuel
Rabhi, Nabil
Annicotte, Jean-Sébastien
Oyadomari, Seiichi
Velasco-Hernandez, Talia
Cammenga, Jörg
Foretz, Marc
Viollet, Benoit
Vukovic, Milica
Villacreces, Arnaud
Kranc, Kamil
Carmeliet, Peter
Marot, Guillemette
Boulter, Alexis
Tavernier, Simon
Berod, Luciana
Longhi, Maria
Paget, Christophe
Janssens, Sophie
Staumont-Sallé, Delphine
Aksoy, Ezra
Staels, Bart
Dombrowicz, David
Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR
Cell, Elsevier, 2019 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.03.018
Mogilenko, Denis
Haas, Joel
L’homme, Laurent
Fleury, Sébastien
Quemener, Sandrine
Levavasseur, Matthieu
Becquart, Coralie
Wartelle, Julien
Bogomolova, Alexandra
Pineau, Laurent
Molendi-Coste, Olivier
Lancel, Steve
Dehondt, Hélène
Gheeraert, Celine
Melchior, Aurelie
Dewas, Cédric
Nikitin, Artemii
Pic, Samuel
Rabhi, Nabil
Annicotte, Jean-Sébastien
Oyadomari, Seiichi
Velasco-Hernandez, Talia
Cammenga, Jörg
Foretz, Marc
Viollet, Benoit
Vukovic, Milica
Villacreces, Arnaud
Kranc, Kamil
Carmeliet, Peter
Marot, Guillemette
Boulter, Alexis
Tavernier, Simon
Berod, Luciana
Longhi, Maria
Paget, Christophe
Janssens, Sophie
Staumont-Sallé, Delphine
Aksoy, Ezra
Staels, Bart
Dombrowicz, David
Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR
Cell, Elsevier, 2019 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.03.018
Lestrelin, Réjane
Haas, Joël
Hennuyer, Nathalie
Baugé, Eric
Deleye, Yann
Mesotten, Dieter
Langouche, Lies
Vanhoutte, Jonathan
Cudejko, Céline
Wouters, Kristiaan
Hannou, Sarah Anissa
Legry, Vanessa
Lancel, Steve
Lalloyer, Fanny
Polizzi, Arnaud
Smati, Sarra
Gourdy, Pierre
Vallez, Emmanuelle
Bouchaert, Emmanuel
Derudas, Bruno
Dehondt, Hélène
Gheeraert, Celine
Fleury, Sébastien
Tailleux, Anne
Montagner, Alexandra
Wahli, Walter
van den Berghe, Greet
Dombrowicz, David
Guillou, Hervé
Staels, Bart
Hepatic PPARalpha is critical in the metabolic adaptation to sepsis
Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier, 2019 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.12.037
Mogilenko, Denis A.
Haas, Joel
L''''homme, Laurent
Fleury, Sébastien
Quemener, Sandrine
Levavasseur, Matthieu
Becquart, Coralie
Wartelle, Julien
Bogomolova, Alexandra
Pineau, Laurent
Molendi-Coste, Olivier
Lancel, Steve
Dehondt, Helene
Gheeraert, Celine
Melchior, Aurelie
Dewas, Cedric
Nikitin, Artemii
Pic, Samuel
Rabhi, Nabil
Annicotte, Jean-Sebastien
Oyadomari, Seiichi
Velasco-Hernandez, Talia
Cammenga, Jorg
Foretz, Marc
Viollet, Benoit
Vukovic, Milica
Villacreces, Arnaud
Kranc, Kamil
Carmeliet, Peter
Marot, Guillemette
Boulter, Alexis
Tavernier, Simon
Berod, Luciana
Longhi, Maria P.
Paget, Christophe
Janssens, Sophie
Staumont-Salle, Delphine
Aksoy, Ezra
Staels, Bart
Dombrowicz, David
Metabolic and innate immune cues merge into a specific inflammatory response via the upr
Cell, 2019 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.03.018
Lassailly, Guillaume
Bou Saleh, Mohamed
Leleu, Natascha
Ningarhari, Massih
Gantier, Emilie
Carpentier, Rodolphe
Artru, Florent
Gnemmi, Viviane
Bertin, Benjamin
Maboudou, Patrice
Betbeder, Didier
Gheeraert, Celine
Maggiotto, Francois
Dharancy, Sebastien
Mathurin, Philippe
Louvet, Alexandre
Dubuquoy, Laurent
Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1 (NOD1) modulates liver ischemia reperfusion through the expression adhesion molecules.
Journal of hepatology, 2019 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2019.01.019
Lassailly, Guillaume
Bou Saleh, Mohamed
Leleu, Natascha
Ningarhari, Massih
Gantier, Émilie
Carpentier, Rodolphe
Artru, Florent
Gnemmi, Viviane
Bertin, Benjamin
Maboudou, Patrice
Betbeder, Didier
Gheeraert, Celine
Maggiotto, Francois
Dharancy, Sebastien
Mathurin, Philippe
Louvet, Alexandre
Dubuquoy, Laurent
Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1 (NOD1) modulates liver ischemia reperfusion through the expression adhesion molecules.
Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier, 2019 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2019.01.019
Berthier, Alexandre
Vinod, Manjula
Porez, Geoffrey
Steenackers, Agata
Alexandre, Jérémy
Yamakawa, Nao
Gheeraert, Celine
Ploton, Maheul
Maréchal, Xavier
Chevalier, Julie
Hovasse, Agnès
Schaeffer-Reiss, Christine
Cianférani, Sarah
Rolando, Christian
Bray, Fabrice
Duez, Helene
Eeckhoute, Jerome
Lefebvre, Tony
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Combinatorial regulation of hepatic cytoplasmic signaling and nuclear transcriptional events by the OGT/REV-ERBα complex
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences, 2018 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1805397115
Ploton, Maheul
Mazuy, Claire
Gheeraert, Celine
Dubois, Vanessa
Berthier, Alexandre
Dubois, Julie
Marechal, Xavier
Bantubungi, Kadiombo
Diemer, Hélène
Cianférani, Sarah
Strub, Jean-Marc
Helleboid-Chapman, Audrey
Eeckhoute, Jérôme
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
The nuclear bile acid receptor FXR is a PKA- and FOXA2-sensitive activator of fasting hepatic gluconeogenesis
Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier, 2018 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.022
Montaigne, David
Marechal, Xavier
Modine, Thomas
Coisne, Augustin
Mouton, Stéphanie
Fayad, Georges
Ninni, Sandro
Klein, Cedric
Ortmans, Staniel
Seunes, Claire
Potelle, Charlotte
Berthier, Alexandre
Gheeraert, Celine
Piveteau, Catherine
Deprez, Rebecca
Eeckhoute, Jerome
Duez, Helene
Lacroix, Dominique
Deprez, Benoit
Jegou, Bruno
Koussa, Mohamad
Edme, Jean-Louis
Lefebvre, Philippe
Staels, Bart
Daytime variation of perioperative myocardial injury in cardiac surgery and its prevention by rev-erb alpha antagonism: a single-centre propensity-matched cohort study and a randomised study
Lancet (London, England), 2018 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32132-3
Montaigne, David
Marechal, Xavier
Modine, Thomas
Coisne, Augustin
Mouton, Stéphanie
Fayad, Georges
Ninni, Sandro
Klein, Cédric
Ortmans, Staniel
Seunes, Claire
Potelle, Charlotte
Berthier, Alexandre
Gheeraert, Celine
Piveteau, Catherine
Deprez, Rebecca
Eeckhoute, Jérome
Duez, Hélène
Lacroix, Dominique
Deprez, Benoit
Jegou, Bruno
Koussa, Mohamed
Edme, Jean-Louis
Lefebvre, Philippe
Staels, Bart
Daytime variation of perioperative myocardial injury in cardiac surgery and its prevention by Rev-Erbα antagonism: a single-centre propensity-matched cohort study and a randomised study
The Lancet, Elsevier, 2018 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32132-3
Firmin, François F.
Oger, Frederik
Gheeraert, Celine
Dubois-Chevalier, Julie
Edouart (vercoutter), Anne-Sophie
Alzaid, Fawaz
Mazuy, Claire
Dehondt, Helene
Alexandre, Jérémy
Derudas, Bruno
Dhalluin, Quentin
Ploton, Maheul
Berthier, Alexandre
Woitrain, Eloise
Lefebvre, Tony
Venteclef, Nicolas
Pattou, Francois
Staels, Bart
Eeckhoute, Jerome
Lefebvre, Philippe
The RBM14/CoAA-interacting, long intergenic non-coding RNA Paral1 regulates adipogenesis and coactivates the nuclear receptor PPARγ
Scientific Reports, 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-14570-y
Firmin, François
Oger, Frédérik
Gheeraert, Celine
Dubois-Chevalier, Julie
Edouart (vercoutter), Anne-Sophie
Alzaid, Fawaz
Mazuy, Claire
Dehondt, Hélène
Alexandre, Jérémy
Derudas, Bruno
Dhalluin, Quentin
Ploton, Maheul
Berthier, Alexandre
Woitrain, Eloise
Lefebvre, Tony
Venteclef, Nicolas
Pattou, François
Staels, Bart
Eeckhoute, Jérôme
Lefebvre, Philippe
The RBM14/CoAA-interacting, long intergenic non-coding RNA Paral1 regulates adipogenesis and coactivates the nuclear receptor PPARγ
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, Nature Publishing Group, 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-14570-y
Dubois-Chevalier, Julie
Dubois, Vanessa
Dehondt, Helene
Mazrooei, Parisa
Mazuy, Claire
Serandour, Aurelien A.
Gheeraert, Celine
Penderia, Guillaume
Bauge, Eric
Derudas, Bruno
Hennuyer, Nathalie
Lestrelin, Réjane
Marot, Guillemette
Carroll, Jason S.
Lupien, Mathieu
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jerome
The logic of transcriptional regulator recruitment architecture at cis-regulatory modules controlling liver functions
Genome research, 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gr.217075.116
Le Guével, Rémy
Oger, Frederik
Martinez-Jimenez, Celia P.
Bizot, Maud
Gheeraert, Celine
Firmin, François
Ploton, Maheul
Kretova, Miroslava
Palierne, Gaëlle
Staels, Bart
Barath, Peter
Talianidis, Iannis
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jérôme
Salbert, Gilles
Inactivation of the Nuclear Orphan Receptor COUP-TFII by Small Chemicals
ACS chemical biology, American Chemical Society, 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acschembio.6b00593
Dubois-Chevalier, Julie
Oger, Frédérik
Dehondt, Hélène
Firmin, François
Gheeraert, Celine
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jérôme
A dynamic CTCF chromatin binding landscape promotes DNA hydroxymethylation and transcriptional induction of adipocyte differentiation
Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford University Press, 2014 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gku780
Berrabah, Wahiba
Aumercier, Pierrette
Gheeraert, Celine
Dehondt, Helene
Bouchaert, Emmanuel
Alexandre, Jérémy
Ploton, Maheul
Mazuy, Claire
Houde, Sandrine
Muhr-Tailleux, Anne
Eeckhoute, Jerome
Lefebvre, Tony
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Glucose sensing O-GlcNAcylation pathway regulates the nuclear bile acid receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR)
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), 2014 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hep.26710
Berrabah, Wahiba
Aumercier, Pierrette
Gheeraert, Celine
Dehondt, Helene
Bouchaert, Emmanuel
Alexandre, Jérémy
Ploton, Maheul
Mazuy, Claire
Houde, Sandrine
Muhr Tailleux, Anne
Eeckhoute, Jerome
Lefebvre, Tony
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Glucose sensing O-GlcNAcylation pathway regulates the nuclear bile acid receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR)
Hepatology, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hep.26710
Oger, Frederik
Dubois-Chevalier, Julie
Gheeraert, Celine
Avner, Stephane
Durand, Emmanuel
Froguel, Philippe
Salbert, Gilles
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jerome
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ regulates genes involved in insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling and lipid metabolism during adipogenesis through functionally distinct enhancer classes.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2014 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M113.526996
Compte-rendu et recension critique d'ouvrage
Mogilenko, Denis
Haas, Joel
L’homme, Laurent
Fleury, Sébastien
Quemener, Sandrine
Levavasseur, Matthieu
Becquart, Coralie
Wartelle, Julien
Bogomolova, Alexandra
Pineau, Laurent
Molendi-Coste, Olivier
Lancel, Steve
Dehondt, Hélène
Gheeraert, Celine
Melchior, Aurelie
Dewas, Cédric
Nikitin, Artemii
Pic, Samuel
Rabhi, Nabil
Annicotte, Jean-Sébastien
Oyadomari, Seiichi
Velasco-Hernandez, Talia
Cammenga, Jörg
Foretz, Marc
Viollet, Benoit
Vukovic, Milica
Villacreces, Arnaud
Kranc, Kamil
Carmeliet, Peter
Briend, Guillemette
Boulter, Alexis
Tavernier, Simon
Berod, Luciana
Longhi, Maria
Paget, Christophe
Janssens, Sophie
Staumont-Sallé, Delphine
Aksoy, Ezra
Staels, Bart
Dombrowicz, David
Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR
Elsevier, 2019, , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.03.018